Hope. A four letter word that can bring purpose to life. 


This past month my ministry organization was called Hopethiopia. A place where hope literally lives. 


This children’s village focuses on giving hope to children who were born into a life of no hope. These children live on the compound in their house with their house mom and are provided a space to grow and be free. And the greatest gift they receive is the passion to dream and to hope. These children dream to be doctors, pilots, ministers, presidents, and so much more. And they are taught to believe in that. To hope in that. What a beautiful place. 


This month at Hopethiopia I was reminded to dream and hope as well. But not just something small but to dream something big. To dream big and to dream big with God. Something that I sometimes forget about. And what better of a time to remember to dream big than in month 9 of my Race. 


This month we had so many ministry opportunities but one of my favorites was at the end of the month we were able to participate and watch the children in the Run of Hope. 


This is an event that has been happening every year for 9 years now. And we had the privilege of being there for this. 


The Run of Hope is all about bringing awareness to the hope that is all around us and the hope that is in Ethiopia. The beautiful thing is that this run is not only happening in Ethiopia but all around the world. The Run of Hope can even happen in your own town. The Run is as big or small as you would like it to be. Just get a group together and make it happen. (https://www.facebook.com/events/2490848887811945/?ti=icl)


But for these children, they gathered together and had a race! They competed against each other. They had the opportunity to just be kids and run in a race for a medal or a trophy. 


It was an opportunity for all of us to cheer these children to the finish line. An opportunity to see their joy and their smiles. So, so good! And in the end every child received a medal for their participation. 


I will be forever grateful for the opportunity I had at Hopethiopia.