1. For the first time in my life I know what it feels like to know my God as a Daddy, and that I am truly His daughter.

This was hands down my favorite truth of the week.

We have this tendency to address God as our Father, which he very well is, but it’s so formal.  So disconnected.  It seems like one of those things that you just know is proper etiquette or something so you address Him that way.  In no way should our relationship hold the slightest capacity of being formal.  I mean He knows everything about you, more than He’s willing to let you know about yourself, but He’s completely willing to let you know Him as much as you want.  

Our worship leader for the first part of the week was Jonathan David Helser, and there was one song inparticular that I connected with the most.  I feel like this song was just the story of my relationship with Christ.  It brings with it this emotional tie of deep reverence because He rescues me from everything I get myself into.  

As we are just singing and meditating on it he explains that putting our hands up in the air is a national sign of surrender.  That we can go anywhere and throw our hands up for others to know that we are giving up.  He explained that he’d always known it, but that it never meant that much to him until he made a connection one day.  He said his son ran up to him threw his arms in the air and asked him to pick him up and swing him.  At that very moment it clicked for him.  He finally knew what Christ felt like every time we stood before Him with our hands raised high in surrender.  We were giving Him the opportunity to pick us up and swing us around.

Upon his explanation I really started meditating on that and what it must be like for Christ every time we choose to not just see Him as our Father, but trust Him as our Daddy and take off running at Him with our arms thrown high just anxiously waiting to be picked up.  

Immediately I started having these flashes of when I was little girl and my dad used to play with me and the joy it would bring me.  I knew as a kid that in that moment he was completely delighted in everything that I was.  Even though as a child you aren’t at an age to make that intellectual distinction, your heart is just filled with it, you just know.  At that very moment it clicked, and for the first time ever I felt Him delighting in me.  Not just looking back at me being intently focused on Him, but just this outpouring of how captivated He really is by me and how much joy I bring Him when I choose Him over everything else.  It just filled my being to the point I didn’t think I could hold anything else inside.

It was this complete experience of swimming in utter satisfaction of Him being my Daddy.  I felt giddy like a child, unhindered by everything around me and completely admonished of all worries because when Daddy’s with you, He’s got it covered.