If I could only get the words out.  Words that would be enough to express my undying affection that I feel for these people, this country.
We have only been in Port Klang for two days.   Upon arrival, we were greeted with sincere hospitality and an immediate concern that every need we could possibly have was met.  We were brought to our facilities and showered with greetings from one of the church families here at Grace Tamil Methodist.  They decided life would be better if we had some bread, butter and jam with some Nescafe to wash it down.  Without even blinking twice next thing we know, they had gone to the store, purchased all of these things and brought them to us.  Encouraging us to give them a call if we needed anything else and they would make it happen.   The Lord is brewing so much desire within us to serve them beyond ourselves with the hopes of giving them a taste of what they are doing for us.
The people here are some of the most selfless, hospitable people I have ever met in my life.  The only way that they are going to be pleased is if you are taken care of.  I find that the Lord is challenging me through their every action.  Everything we ask, they grant, and they do so with a smile on their face and not a lick of judgement in their heart.  
I love that it's only been two days and I feel like the Lord is telling me to really press into the depths of myself and figure out what capacity of selflessness I can achieve through Him.  To really allow Him to pour every bit of compassion and love He has into me and allow it to just flow freely from me and into others.
The Lord started convicting me of this here immediately and has done nothing more than affirm it in me.  On Thursday morning we attended a local pastor's meeting and we introduced ourselves and where in the states we were from.  We had a brief time of worship and prayer, they had their meeting and then treated us to lunch with them.  
One of the pastors walked over to me, grabbed my hand and said that the Lord told him that I had such zeal and passion for Him and that I shouldn't worry because His desires are becoming my desires more and more every day.  That the Lord needed me to know that He was filling me with His compassion and love and that each day I would learn that I had more ability to give those things more freely than I did the day before.  He looked into my eyes when he finished, gave me a nod of approval and told me I was blessed, then he walked away.
In that moment, as he walked away, I stood there dumbfounded as to how he could've known such a thing, the Lord's deep, rich voice spoke over me.  

Know it. Claim it.  Live it.

This country has shown me more of what my Father looks like, therefore I love them.
This country has shown me more of what servant hood looks like, therefore I love them.
This country has shown me what unconditional acceptance looks like, therefore I love them.
This country has shown me what I can look like if I let Him fill me to the brim, therefore I love them.