Imagine you're looking into a snow globe, but you're beyond the glass and everything you see has complete and perfect clarity. It's unmistakable what you're looking upon.

Before you is a valley of land bursting with people and it's filled with the unquestionable glory of the Lord with a few dark spots scattered here and there moving about as though they are ants crawling through the vastness.

What surrounds the valley is a range of mountains that could swallow everything in it with just one shift of it's tongue, but instead it allows the expanse to rest safely on it's palate soaking in the very essence.

Veracious warrior angels are lining the summit. They are suspended by two of their wings with the other four holding back the weapons of mass destruction they are carrying to go to war for their God's children.  They each wait patiently waiting to be called forth for battle; the perfect time to defend each one of us.

Yet, before they are called forth, the darkness is diminished by the glory of the Lord and the entire expanse explodes and bursts forth with the brightest Light you could ever imagine or have seen in your entire life.

All of a sudden the angels roar with praises and acclamations for the victory before them and drop their weapons to worship the glory of the Lord.

This was a vision that the Lord gave me on the first night of ministry here in Phuket. It was one of the most vivid images I've ever had. I'll never forget it.

I didn't really know what it meant then, but as time has passed and we've spent more time in the bars building relationships with the girls I see that Light grow a little more.

I'm waiting for the day that this place explodes with the glory of the Lord and the angels roar victoriously.

If our God is for us, then who can stand against us?