To wrap this month up in a few words is pretty much an impossible task, but I will attempt it. This month was blanketed with miscommunications, frustrations and the Lord being plagued with question after question from me. This month was also blanketed with some of the best bonding time my team and I could have had, major breakthroughs with the Lord and what I'm sure is some of the best ministry we will get to serve in this year.
Miscommunication was a huge part of this month, but so is life in Cambodia. If you aren't a roll with the punches kind of person you will be once you leave, either that or just angry. haha
However, it was through many miscommunications that we fell upon our beloved weekend ministry. If it weren't for miscommunication we wouldn't have ended up teaching English on Saturdays a mere 4 kilometer bike/tuktuk ride away for roughly 5 hours to some of the most amazing children that Cambodia has residing in it in Sokun's little village called Boeng. Miscommunication led us to Sokun, (he is a 20 year old former Buddhist that became a Christian 3 years ago and has survived a time of being disowned by his family and running away only to later be begged to come back) he lives every moment of every day to do nothing more than please his almighty God. The place he lives is where he teaches his students English, is also a place that he leads church on Sundays and lives with 7 other students that have turned to a life of Christianity and also have been disowned by their families. He makes ends meet by translating for groups that comes through and all of his earnings go towards his students lives; their food, clothing, living and schooling.
Frustrations that are sure to lead to a team moment of chaos. But that same chaos brought us the opportunity to serve in some of the most amazing churches I've ever stepped foot in. One church is Sokun's and the other is a church at the Fishing Village that you've heard me mention in a former post. It was in those churches that they Lord met me weekly just like He did in the Philippines to tell me, this is your family, these are your people. Them screaming acclamations in Khmer and myself in English, all of us dancing and praising together. All of us learning the Word together. The same Lord that moves in the very depths of my soul moves in the very depths of theirs.
Plaguing the Lord with so many questions this month and begging for discernment of what my life is to become once this season of my life is over. Questioning whether or not I trust Him enough. Am I really willing to let the rest of my life look different than it has before? Am I really willing to let Him plan my next move, and the one after that and so on? Ultimately finding Him exactly where He's been waiting on me this whole time. Sitting next to me patiently waiting on me to ask Him in the first place so that He can answer with all of the comfort I could ever need. He assured me that He had everything planned out, not to worry, to just enjoy my freedom, He'll take care of the rest.
So my month in Cambodia overall was better than I could have asked for. Did I count the days? Yes. Would I change anything even though it was a month of counting? Not a chance.

So my month in Cambodia overall was better than I could have asked for. Did I count the days? Yes. Would I change anything even though it was a month of counting? Not a chance.wrap this month up in a few words is pretty much an impossible task, but I will attempt it. This month was blanketed with miscommunications, frustrations and the Lord being plagued with question after question from me. This month was also blanketed with some of the best bonding time my team and I could have had, major breakthroughs with the Lord and what I'm sure is some of the best ministry we will get to serve in this year.
Miscommunication was a huge part of this month, but so is life in Cambodia. If you aren't a roll with the punches kind of person you will be once you leave, either that or just angry. haha
However, it was through many miscommunications that we fell upon our beloved weekend ministry. If it weren't for miscommunication we wouldn't have ended up teaching English on Saturdays a mere 4 kilometer bike/tuktuk ride away for roughly 5 hours to some of the most amazing children that Cambodia has residing in it in Sokun's little village called Boeng. Miscommunication led us to Sokun, (he is a 20 year old former Buddhist that became a Christian 3 years ago and has survived a time of being disowned by his family and running away only to later be begged to come back) he lives every moment of every day to do nothing more than please his almighty God. The place he lives is where he teaches his students English, is also a place that he leads church on Sundays and lives with 7 other students that have turned to a life of Christianity and also have been disowned by their families. He makes ends meet by translating for groups that comes through and all of his earnings go towards his students lives; their food, clothing, living and schooling.
Frustrations that are sure to lead to a team moment of chaos. But that same chaos brought us the opportunity to serve in some of the most amazing churches I've ever stepped foot in. One church is Sokun's and the other is a church at the Fishing Village that you've heard me mention in a former post. It was in those churches that they Lord met me weekly just like He did in the Philippines to tell me, this is your family, these are your people. Them screaming acclamations in Khmer and myself in English, all of us dancing and praising together. All of us learning the Word together. The same Lord that moves in the very depths of my souls moves in the very depths of theirs.
Plaguing the Lord with so many questions this month and begging for discernment of what my life is to become once this season of my life is over. Questioning whether or not I trust Him enough. Am I really willing to let the rest of my life look different than it has before? Am I really willing to let Him plan my next move, and the one after that and so on? Ultimately finding Him exactly where He's been waiting on me this whole time. Sitting next to me patiently waiting on me to ask Him in the first place so that He can answer with all of the comfort I could ever need. He assured me that He had everything planned out, not to worry, to just enjoy my freedom, He'll take care of the rest.
So my month in Cambodia overall was better than I could have asked for. Did I count the days? Yes. Would I change anything even though it was a month of counting? Not a chance.