Last week I had been spending much of my time taking in what has happened in the past month. Honestly I have been grieving. Why? Why grieving you may ask. Well it’s because I honestly became so close to so many of the youth.

I have spent this past month teaching multiple English classes. My team and I did English at two different schools that were from about Kindergarten-High school. We also taught English at a church from 4 to 7. On top of that we taught at a college our last week in Ukraine.

Teaching at the schools made them want to come to our English classes at the church. Interacting with so many of the same kids everyday made me grow close to so many of them. Each one of these kids were unique and I Loved them each for who they were.

Initially I thought that I would just be teaching English and loving on them. However instead of me showing them how to love they showed me how to Love so much greater than I previously did. I have always been commended for having a kind heart and loving everyone. Let me tell you though these people loved in everything they did. The way they loved made the way I love pale in comparison. The beauty of that is I got to learn how to Love people all over agin.

They taught me so much and I had the greatest time of my life there. I don’t say that just to make it sound good for my supporters. No I say that because I mean it from the depths of my heart. Everyday I got to have the gift of pouring into them while at the same time I was being refilled by them. I truly want to go back and start a discipleship program for these kids but that’s a journey for the future.

When I was not at ministry pouring into these wonderful kids I was at my host family’s house. Here is where I rested and grew so close to the kids of the family.

When it came to Sasha Laying down next to him with my arm around him and playing clash royale with him was a great thing. For Me it was beautiful because my number one love language is quality time. My number two, only off by one point is physical touch.

When it came to Micha I was in constant movement. When I was showing Micha love sitting was not an option. I was always playing with him. Whether it was fake fighting, playing chase with Lego planes, or shooting at each other or the bad guys. He is only 8 so it makes since then that he always wants to be playing

The girls hung more with the ladies on my team. But making them feel seen and fully loved whether through hugs or through joking around with them was good enough for them.

Being so close specifically to the family is what made me really break down while leaving. If I am being honest it was about 100x harder to leave them than my own family and friends. In 7 more months I will be home with my family and at the river with my friends. But it is likely I will never see them agin until the day i die and see them in hevan.

In conclusion yes it sucks and I can’t imagine how it feels for them because I came into they’re life and grew so close then just left. But in the end The Lord’s timing is perfect and all his plans are wise so I can’t wait till the day I go to heaven and see the fruit produced from this. Now i am preparing to start seeing what the Lord has for me since I start ministry in Chile tomorrow.

P.s. Thank you for reading this blog I poured out alot of my heart, memories, and raw emotions in this blog. Tomorrow is November 16th which is my birthday. One way you can bless me on this day is donate to my mission I still need to raise another $4,000 so every dollar helps. thank you for your love and continued support.