“After you have suffered for a little while, the God of grace, who called you to His eternal glory in Christ, will Himself

-NASB: perfect, confirm, strengthen, and establish you
-NIV: restore you, make you strong, firm, steadfast
-AMP: complete you, make you what you ought to be, establish and ground you securely, strengthen, and settle you.”

1 Peter 5:10


Yes or no:
Are you who you want to be?
Are you living the life you really want, consistently?

If you answered no to either of those questions, take a deep breath in and slowly breath out, and SMILE at the opportunity to be redirected, for growth, for change, and for the hope that Christ gives us – which is to live fully. John 10:10b.

Who do you want to be?
What is the life you want?

Please recognize it is okay to re-dream. You know the one, the type of dream that sometimes finds it’s way out of the cage you’ve put it in. You recognize the feeling of it fluttering amongst your thoughts, within your gut. You know what I mean, because this kind of dream is so a part of you, that without it being your reality, it can root your insecurities, crack your foundation. Its fragile nature can make you hesitant; you wish to pursue it, but fear even getting up out of your chair will cause a displacement of the air, and the dream will fall out of place and break. Relax, please relax, because dreams are not as fragile as one would think. If it’s strong enough to make you come alive, it’s strong enough to withstand clumsy, if even awkward, progress.

It’s okay to dream anew. It’s okay to navigate life dynamically, beautifully, to refresh and adjust your dreams, to perfect them.

I know that I have dreams. I understand them to relate directly to who I want to be and what I want out of life.
But I know my dreams in a general way, not in a specific way.
I hesitate, I am indecisive, I am pursuadable, I am double minded.
I fear if I specify, that they won’t intersect. And so I keep my dreams vague.
And I remain directionless.

Where are you if not living your dream?
It’s okay if you are here, here with me.
But It’s not okay to stay here.

Let’s re-focus on Biblical truths:
God is ultimately in control. He loves you. He plans for you. He understands you.

1 Peter 5:10 says that the God of grace, will Himself:
make steadfast
make you what you ought to be
ground you securely and
you. And me.

May God in His greatness, God in His power, God in His purposes, God in His ability to do anything, God in His perfection, God in His love, perfect, confirm, strengthen, establish, restore, make steadfast, complete, and settle you securely into your dreams. May you dream in color, may you feel with all senses, may you know God intimately. And in holding hands with God, may you know who you are and what you want in life.

Don’t let go of His hand. And choose as often as you must, to buy into your dreams, to live your life in the fullness you crave and the fullness God created you for.