Today is Sunday, September 1st. My last day of work was last Thursday, and today I just received prayer from my pastors and church support base. The World Race is beginning to feel real, especially when you see the anticipation in other peoples eyes when they look at you. The World Race is also changing from "this thing I am doing later" to now bear the weight of the love, encouragement, prayers, and financial support, that many, many generous friends and family have brought forward. How blessed I am. 

Saturday, September 7th I depart to Atlanta, Georgia for Launch. Then Tuesday, September 10th my squad and I leave for the Philippines!!!

Ready set go eh? This is it!

I can't tell you the number of times I've said, " alright let's do this" over the last few years. But I'll tell you something, my attitude wasn't always this way.  As I grew up I noticed I have a natural bent towards collaboration, cooperation, and this usually necessitated passivity. I've caught myself feeling incomplete, as if I had something more to offer the world, but couldn't decipher what that might be. Only in the past few years, I realized that I'd lacked intentional participation. I've observed, I've stood by, I've talked only when spoken to. What a difference it makes to move from shy to bold, from stagnant to proactive, from (I'll say it!) lazy, to hard working, from "whatever happens, happens" to "let's go make it happen", from voiceless to speaking out. Nursing has taught me more than pathophysiology, it has really taught me how to have a "can-do" attitude. And now, on the World Race, I am presenting to God this character trait, and requesting His help to strengthen and solidify this as a part of who I am for life. 

Now here is what I have to remember (you now get to read a personal pep-talk): 
1) I am not doing this in my own strength but with God's strength.
2) I know that God is for me and that God is good.
3) "Enter His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise: be thankful unto Him, and bless His name" Psalm 100:4.

So, my precious reader, what about you? What is your attitude like?
What season of life are you gearing up for? Gain some momentum and get going! 
Alright? Alright.