even sound to penetrate
song in my ear
the darkness tonight, I keep singing Your song
somewhere deep within…

Training camp thus far has
been well, let’s just say it has been a life wrecking experience… we saw God show up in mighty ways, and my heart has felt a massive
shift. I used to think that the trip would be good, but never expected it to be
this Good. I have had Godly men and women speak truth into my life in a way no
one else has been willing to do. I have seen things you would not believe, and
the funny thing is I have not even left the states yet….
I really felt things shift
as though it were a huge stone beginning to fracture the night Michael (He
spoke for the weekend) asked us if we wanted to receive the Spirit…
Allow me to
pause for a moment to clarify… When we accept Christ we receive His spirit that
ends death. But God’s Spirit which Raised
Christ is available to us. This Spirit brings life and Joy and peace and we
begin to act in the way Jeremiah describes: “…I am like a drunken man, like a
man overcome by wine, because of the Lord and because of His Holy
Words.”(Jeremiah 23:9). Paul also talks about it in II Corinthians 5:13: “For
if we are beside ourselves it is for God; if we are in our right mind it is for
you.” …Okay…finishing my story…
That night Michael asked
us if we wanted to receive the spirit. Up to this point I honestly had been
much more the observer of Ignition than anything else. So when we had the
chance to go up, I did. I’m not sure if I have ever felt quiet like that…my
insides were vibrating, and I was having trouble breathing, yet had never felt
so free to breathe before… Ashley Musick, one of the AIM staff members, prayed over me, laying her hands on
me. She looked me dead in the eye and said that God already had His hand upon
my mouth…that the Sword I longed to wield was already in me. As she spoke the
over me, I felt a shift in the rock…another fracture preparing to bring the
wall down. So much happened over the next few days… Michael continued to speak
about prophecy and what it truly was, and I began to receive words from the
Lord to exhort my teammates…He spoke about tongues, what it was to walk in the
Spirit… It was amazing. The biggest break would come on the Surrender Walk…I
can’t tell you too much since upcoming racers might read this, but to sum up
what the walk is, I’ve never been that sweaty and tired before… Michael and his
wife Kathi had prayed over me at the trail head and Michael had received a word
that I carried a massive burden of shame on my shoulders. As he spoke that I
began to weep… I would continue to sob for the whole walk. At the top my squad
leader, Andi, came up and began to ask me what God had been doing on the walk.
To be honest I know God interceded as a translator because I was sobbing so
hard, was having trouble breathing, but still she heard me. She grabbed onto me
and just held me. She began to speak over me what God was revealing to her. As
she did, I felt I was no longer being held by my Andi, but where her arms had
been, His were there. As she hummed over me, I began to hear His song…As she
spoke, I no longer heard her voice, but began to hear His… and I was wrecked. I realized just how much
crap in my life I had not acknowledged until that moment. I realized how hard
it had been to carry all that around. As I released it all on that mountain
top, I found an entirely new hope that I had never felt before. A hope in a
Father who loved me and would protect me… A Father who had claimed me. I am
His…. I in Him and Him in me….that weekend I received the fullness of His
Spirit. He would continue to pursue me throughout the week. When we got back to
camp from where we had been, we had a worship service that night. We asked the
Spirit to rain down and boy He brought it…and it was awesome, but I was still
breaking…the rock walls around my soul were cracking like thunder… Andi came to
me once again and just held onto me… She spoke more and more truth over me,
challenged me, loved me….As she did I heard His voice, His truth, His love… His
song for me began to well up inside me… It’s sweet soft tune…it’s words of pure
love broke through the rock…it crumbled like paper…I’m still trying to figure
out what walking in all of this looks like, but God continues to affirm the
things she spoke over me… “He will use your race family to show you love”… I’ve
been claimed as family not just by my small team, but by my whole squad. ..
like, literally they have spoken those words over me…
It has been such an amazing experience… I’ve fallen in
Love with my squad and my leaders… Seeing Christ in them…seeing the Holy Spirit
consume them…seeing them step out in faith… I can hardly wait to step out and
bring change to the nations with these Men and Women… I can’t wait to hear the
song my Savior sings to my soul… I can’t wait to step out and speak truth to
the nations… God is amazing… I only pray I can continue to find the words to
share the joy with you!