Of an epic nature…

I love musicals. I grew up going
with my dad to help him out with mics and such at the theatre company that he
would run sound for in his spare time. It was a fantastical world for me to
enter into. The musicals told stories in a way that spoke to my heart… with
music. Sweeping scores that not only told a story or carried a conversation,
but it conveyed the emotion that normal conversations often lack. Plus there is
always the grand finale. That huge number in which the entire cast sings… all
those voices lifted up in one accord, the music more intense so as to leave the
audience with a lasting impression. It always gives me goose bumps to hear
those musical numbers. But today as we sat in the church I realized that those
musical numbers draw me in for a different reason… Those numbers are of an epic
nature. They are meant to push you to think, act, do that which they have sung
about. Think of the epic movies you have watched… those movies that have to
great last lines that give you goose bumps and made you wish that life could be
that epic… Or the books with the last page that leaves you musing over it for
… Or even those songs that are meant to inspire… it all points back to an
epic nature… one that I would risk saying is in all of us. I can safely say it is
in me. It is why all those musical scores moved me to be as restless as the
sea. They beckoned me to move into my true nature… For if I am created in the
image of my Heavenly Father, who is an epic Father, would I not also be an epic

I was studying a section of
Colossians the other day and there is a verse that talks about how we are being
renewed in the knowledge after the image of its creator. It is as though when
we are born again and we put off the old and take on the new we have to relearn
our true nature. It is like we were cracked on the head and suffered from
amnesia. We forgot our true nature. We forgot the gifting we were born with
knit into the fiber of our being. We weighed ourselves down with false
imitations of those giftings and along the way forgot that we are in this
world, but not of it…. In it, but not of it! Our identity is not here in the
things of the flesh… it is not how we look or the degrees we earn or the money
we have or the mission trips we go on or even the people we know. Our identity
is in Him. We have to remember that…. We have to allow Him to renew our
knowledge and understanding. To reformat it to its original design… it takes
time and for me it has only just begun, but it took having this green house
that is the World Race to figure that out…

For me I have remembered that
when I was created I was created with the epic nature of my Father. My heart
moves and swells like the ever moving sea… the sea that carries people to other
worlds and places unseen… the sea that run to depths unknown, and surges and
teems with magnificent life… it  runs all
through me… it is the markings of my alien race… I am of an epic nature… How
about you? I bet if you stopped to think about it you would catch the clues… you
would remember your true nature. Perhaps remembering you were created with your
Father’s epic nature too…