Joy unfettered…I don’t know if I ever thought it possible, but the deeper I delve into the Kingdom I know it is possible. This month we had the beautiful opportunity to work at an orphanage. During our time with them they showed me what a beautiful weapon a smile truly is. Though they do not have parents, their own room, numerous outfits, or things like that, the joy that radiates from their smiles reflects the joy of their Heavenly Father’s heart. Each morning the children wake up and begin the day with worship…
I’ve been with them for worship on a few occasions and I can tell you that they ache to worship Him. They worship with a passion God helped me begin to understand back in Guatemala… They dance and they lift up their hands, they smile, they pray, they shout… They stand in the presence of their Father and are moved by Him… With every smile that radiates on their faces the sound of the enemy being crushed can be heard as Light rushes in…
In this I am learning the depth of Proverbs 15:13a:
A glad heart makes a cheerful face
God has called us into freedom… He freely offers us His Joy as our strength…a Joy that makes the heart glad… He freely offers and guards our hearts with peace… peace that gives the chance to saturate in His Joy… So why don’t our faces show it more often? A smile is such a simple thing, yet it is and essential part of our Joy… It crushes the darkness because when your face radiates what the Father has put in your heart, it unleashes the Light of His Kingdom… it reveals His Joy… your strength… So I urge you, like the beautiful children of Cambodia, to unleash that Joy unfettered… Smile deeply… Don’t allow money or To-do lists or What If’s to stop you or to rob you of delighting in God and allowing Him to surge through you with His strength… Your Joy!
Look at these faces….
Now look at the faces of those around you… the faces of those who’s smiles stand out to you…
Smile!!! You’ve been given the Joy of the Father’s heart!!!!! So unleash the Father’s heart!!!
Smile Long… Smile Wide… Smile Deeply…