I took this picture about three years ago while hiking up in Tennessee. That day it was a good reflection of my heart…the seemingly aching sorrow from seeing something so desolate…
Since I’ve been home from training camp, there are people around me who’s eyes reflect this scene… People walking around like the living dead…prisons to the Kingdom Child locked deep within. As I sat in the airport the night I flew back to AZ from GA I had been dwelling on the talk Michael had with us about normal Kingdom living. “It is normal to speak Life into one another.” he told us… As I looked around I saw men and women who’s eyes cried out for Life… God began to give me words for them… words of His love for them…of His Life for them… at first I was terrified… speaking Life to strangers in the airport?! I would look insane!…I would look insane… Not for me, though… for My King…for His sake it would appear I was not in my right mind… Taking a deep breath I stand up, walk over to the woman across from me and begin speaking Life. the more I did, the more I heard my Father’s voice declaring the Life He was giving… I’m pretty sure everyone in my terminal thought I was crazy… at some points I thought I might be crazy… but it was blissful… To see God ignite something within the living dead, waking their souls up to Life… It felt normal… I know that I had nothing to do with how those people in the airport received Life that night, other than He used me as His vessel… Truly I think it was a bit of an out of body experience because I heard my voice speaking, and my body kept walking up to people, putting my hands on people, but I had no idea how, what or why… I just knew I kept hearing His voice in my Heart.
Since I landed that night though, I have seen some resist the Life our God gives. Ache overwhelms me… Looking in their eyes you see an orphan, dirty, hungry, beaten, abused…broken…imprisoned, screaming from within…it is almost terrifying to behold, yet it ignites something fierce within me… The call to war… a war in which we fight for those who are bound in this present darkness… the orphaned and the widows… those imprisoned and those oppressed. This call that causes us to ache for those we fight for… those who run from the light, back into the darkness… I drives me to barrel headlong into the darkness, crying out the Life of our King… claiming Kingdom… Yes there are days where my voice grows hoarse and my spirit is seemingly broken, but God continues to breath Life Abundant into me. He continues to call me to declare His truth to all I  encounter. Yes I may look crazy at times, but that’s to be expected… it’s normal Kingdom living…not caring what you may think so much, and instead caring more about my Father’s opinion of me… 
No one said Kingdom living would be easy… But they did say we would find Life there… and when we walk by Faith, and choose to live normal Kingdom Living, we begin to experience and walk in the Freedom of Kingdom Life! Yes, we may look crazy at times, but that’s okay… its Normal… So I encourage you to Selah… STOP AND LISTEN… our Father is always speaking… speaking LIfe over His children… beckoning us to go deeper with Him so we can declare and speak LIfe to all those He has created…so… Will you listen? Will you boldly speak His truth, even if its to a complete stranger? Stop that thought of trying to reason out why God could not be telling you to speak to them cause that would be crazy…
It’s Normal…
Speak Life…Live Kingdom…