the eyes of a child we see the world in the way it could be

of awe-inspiring wonder

who reflect the awesomeness of our Maker’s heart

see the silliness of the bumbling bee

beauty of the majestic sea

the eyes of a child we see glimpses of the One who made you and me.

of reckless abandon

fall into His arms with full assurance He won’t let them fall

see what it means it surrender our all


I had the privilege of spending time with a six year old on my
trip to Florida. Her name is Erin
Her dad was my old youth pastor, and taught me
through middle school and my 9th grade year. Her mom mentored me as
well. Both of her parents have had and continue to have a huge impact on my
spiritual walk. But this trip I was able to spend a bit of time getting to know
Erin, their oldest daughter.

I was sitting on the couch talking with Erin’s mom, when there was
a light tap on my shoulder. Erin slipped me a small piece of construction paper
with a note written on it:

As I looked up from reading it I looked straight in her eyes. It
was unmistakable what was in those beautiful big eyes
Kingdom As the night went on I learned of
the nature of this little one’s heart. She has a heart for the persecuted
church, praying every night for the government officials of closed countries,
for the police who imprison Christians
that they would come to know Jesus. She prays for the
men and women who risk their lives to spread the Good News
She is even on the mailing list for
Voice of the Martyrs! One could pass it all off that it is things she is
spitting back out that her parents have taught her to, but no one could duplicate
what I saw in her eyes
I later
found out how this little one burst into tears after accepting Jesus, as she
realized that He had taken all her sins away… she got it
this small child understand what it
is to be a part of Kingdom. She aches for those who do not
I dunno it blew me away and humbled me I was reminded of what it was to be
loved by my God
to be
reminded of what it was to walk in child-like faith
to be struck with awe at the
fullness of what He has done and continues to do
to remember that there are so many more people
who don’t know
to love them
like one is able to as a child, seeing only the best in them

It gives me chills of excitement to remember that look of Kingdom
in Erin’s eyes
That generation
who seeks Kingdom first is here

they are being brought up into a deeper understanding of who God is and who
they are in Him
and it is