I keep putting off having to write this, but alas I cannot do that any longer. So yeah….I guess this is where you learn more about me..

I’m 23 and currently am finding God in the painted desert of AZ.I work for a podiatrist, which is actually a lot of fun. Don’t get me wrong, I think feet are gross, but at the same time I have aquired a facsination with them…well that’s weird but moving on… After beign surrounded by feet all day I usually find myself making mischeif

such as fingerpainting in parks, climbing trees,playing tag, and then simply just enjoying the people in my church family. Usually if not making mischeif, I can be found sitting at starbuck journaling, reading, or just watching people. I also spend a lot of time working with our church plant. We are kicking up a ministry I’m pretty excited about called Sober Ride with one of the biggest hotels in our community which is the new hot spot for bar hoppers in our city. It will be exciting to see God work in and through that ministry as our church body goes and meets people where they are at. That is probably been the way I have seen God in my life…my church family. He has used them to call me to truth in ways I never would have imagined. As I have walked with them as we walk towards Him, I have been called to deal with the chains of my past… As Ihave, I have expereinced freedom…Freedom that only those Kingdom bound understand. Which is why I want to be a part of the world race. To go to the places, do life with the people and share with them light and truth and Freedom our God offers. I desire to love as I have been loved no matter where I go. To move out of the way so God can get through…To come to the end of me and be swept up in all the He is.
A lot of my drive to serve was cultivated while growing up as a pastor’s kid. My parents sacrifced a lot to give my brothers and I endless oppourtunities to thrive in our strengths. Life as a pk was hard, but as I saw the inner workings of the church and watched my parents doing what God had called them to do, I knew I was being prepared for answering that call… So I owe a lot to my parents. They introduced me to God and to the gift He had to offer. They led me and continue to love me as I pursue this with my adventurer’s heart. Not far behind my parents in teaching me great things, you’ll find my two older brothers. They taught me at a very early age how to live life at the fringes…or at least as much as you can as a kid. I’ve lived adventures because of those two that the Goonies would be jealous of. but they also have fallen among some of my top heroes. My oldest brother is pursuing the chance to own and operate his own chick-fil-a. He is great at inspiring and is extremely intelligent. He goes after things with a work ethic like none other… My middle brother is getting ready to graduate college and has talked of opening an orphanage in pakistan… he has shown me what it is to have mercy and to walk humbly. He is also one of the most likable person I think any one could ever meet. The three of us know how to make mischief and have a lot of fun being together…yep…that’s my family…
I’m not really sure what else to write at the moment…. but I’m sure There will be a copious amount more still to come…