I was re-reading some of my old notes and happened upon my new year’s resolution from last year. I thought it was pretty cool how I actually followed through with it and realized that I want to keep it up… but I thought I would share it again in case anyone didn’t read it or simply forgot…
Every year, thousands of people make a “New Year’s Resolution”…some
to lose weight by dieting or exercising more…some make a resolution
to stop eating something or give up something, spend more time doing
something…the list goes on. But more often than not people’s
resolution fizzels out…it just ends…I know personally I have made
many new years resolutions but like most I can’t recall any of
them…why? because it fizzled out… However this year has been a year
of epic change in my life. As 2008 draws to a close and 2009 is at hand
I choose to make this year even more epic than the last.

I began exploring what resolution I should make, yet get caught at
trying to remember what “resolution” even means…it’s one of those
words we use but tend to forget what it truly means. Here is what
definitions I could find:
1.a formal expression of opinion or intention made, usually after
voting, by a formal organization, a legislature, a club, or other group.
2.a resolve or determination
3.the act of resolving or determining upon an action or course of action, method, procedure
4.the mental state or quality of being resolved or resolute; firmness of purpose
5.a solution, accommodation, or settling of a problem, controversy, etc

Then I checked “resolute”:
1.firmly resolved or determined; set in purpose or opinion
2.characterized by firmness and determination, as the temper, spirit, actions, etc.

As I read these definitions I began to think about what God has been
pressing on my heart…the cries of those who have been surrounding
me…Gretchen coming home from her mission trip, Eric preaching about
the basic’s of Christianity, Tyler and Liz leading our Bible study with
an element of Genuine Truth and Love I have never experienced outside my
family,the list goes on… but the common theme is that similar to a
warrior’s cry in the face of the enemy…”Charge!”
As Christian’s we can no longer be silent… Too many brother’s and
sister’s are lost, fallen, taken captive and made slaves to the
deciever…we posses freedom yet we live lives enslaved to silence…We
must share the joy we know or quit parading around under His banner.
Let the world know we serve the God who has already claimed His
Kingdom. He is big enough to do what He said He would do. The enemy
will strike hard, that is certain. Yet if we arm ourselves daily and
fight with the truth we have, abandoning ourselves and living lives
that are not citizens of this world, who could stop us? Yes it will be
painful, hard and so full of immesurable joy we will only be able to
turn it back into a song of praise to our King… so this is my “formal
expression of opinion or intention”…my “firmness of purpose”…To
live this next year loving like I won’t be able to tomorrow…Giving as
though I won’t be able to tomorrow…and fighting for those who are
lost in the darkness…Living as a watchman….fighting as a
warrior…bringing the Kingdom… storming the gates of hell knowing
that regardless of whether I live to see Him claim His Kingdom, or not,
knowing He has won…so…who will join me this year by making
resolutions we hold fast to? who will be “characterized by firmness and
determination, as the temper, spirit, actions, etc.”?

Will you join in our crusade?
Who will be strong and stand with me?
Somewhere beyond the barricade
Is there a world you long to see?
Do you hear the people sing?
Say, do you hear the distant drums?
It is the future that they bring
When tomorrow comes…
Tomorrow comes!”

Tomorrow comes my friends…where will it find you? How will this
year be different than last year? One thing I do ask of you, regardless
of whether you agree with me or not, pray for me, encourage me…don’t
let me forget or give up on this resolution…For I long to see the
impossible…a world where men are free…where chains are broken and
the Kingdom is all we know and see….
Happy New Year, friends. I pray this year you see and experience God in a mighty way…
Isaiah 51…Storm the Gates…