I have a great mom.  She had 4 kids (all involved in sports year round), led bible studies, traveled to different churches speaking, was a worship leader, went on multiple mission trips a year, made home cooked meals, and much more.  I’m not really sure how she did it all (I was the first diaper she ever changed!) but I have a lot to learn from her.  Growing up and still today, so many of my friends were jealous of me for having her as a mom. 
Some of my craziness and most of my musical ability comes from her (sorry Dad, we all know you can’t really sing).  I remember going to Glamor Shots when I was about 10 years old. All you need to know is there was a pink sequence cowgirl outfit and really big hair.  Yes, I have the pictures to prove it. 
One thing that was a huge example to me was waking up at 5am every day for high school, coming downstairs and seeing my mom having her quiet time.  She had even made me breakfast already!  I know, I was spoiled.
I really could keep going with ways my mom has blessed me, and my brothers, these past 25 years but I will stop here. 
Hey mom!  I thought about just writing you an email, or sending you an e-card for Mother’s Day.  But the competitor in me wanted to write a public blog for all to see.  I mean, Chad did give you a grandchild which is pretty much impossible to beat!
Thank you for being a godly example of what a wife, mother and woman of God is.  I know you’re not perfect and have made mistakes but I’ve never doubted your love for me.  You are my best prayer warrior, my most loyal blog reader and commenter (even though it’s probably for your own peace of mind rather than my ego) and my biggest supporter.  Happy Mother’s Day!  I love you!