So this month the majority of the work we are doing is agricultural.  Not my forte but I am beginning to get to used to it.  I am also liking the tan I’m getting from being in the sun all day.  Cicrin was given a donation of seeds and tools to plant crops.  Part of the time is spent pulling weeds from the beds while the rest is planting the seed.  We get hot, dirty, sweaty, smelly; it’s quite delightful being one with the earth.  And it helps the cold shower experience.  Time also seems to pass by quicker when we have sing-a-long dance parties to our iPods.  Miley Cyrus and Lady Gaga have become close to our hearts. Don’t judge me.

Something I’ve noticed is the need to be very accurate when pulling the weeds.  If you only get the surface, in a day or two it’s right back to being a weed.  We have to go all the way to the root.  The soil gets dry and hard making it quite the work-out to get to the root.  Sometimes it’s so deep and sometimes there are multiple bulbs that we have to remove.  It’s a dirty job but somebody’s gotta do it!

While we were working it made me think of our hearts.  That we all have roots of something: anger, bitterness, envy, pride, etc.  It’s a lot easier to deal with the surface and remove what others can see; but if we don’t get to the root it’ll just be back before you know it.  Some of us have more “weeds” than others.  This year I want to get rid of all of mine.  Really get rid of them, down to the root.