This is an area of town called Kibera.  
It’s part of the biggest slums in all of Africa, housing more than 700,000 people.
Down an alley, over a ditch, under the laundry and past the chickens is a little place called 
Paradise Community Center.
It is a refuge for 117 children.  40 of them live on site and the others with guardians, but this center provides them with food, clothing, an education and a Christian community.
When I first saw the place, I laughed to myself thinking: this is the farthest thing from paradise.  I mean, it’s in the biggest slum in all of Africa!  How could that name even be an option?!  It had to be some kind of joke.
As the day went on and we met the kids and the beautiful married couple in charge of the home, sang songs, played games and talked about Jesus; I realized that it is in fact, paradise.
You see, I don’t think these kids care that they share a room and belongings with 12 others.  Or that their home is in the slums, did I mention it is the biggest slum in Africa?!  I think they’re more concerned with feeling loved, accepted and cared for.  And simply because this home offers that to them, it is paradise.
*photos by the fantastically talented Mac Mitchell!