The holiday season is here!  With it brings crisp, cool weather, egg nog lattes, Mistletoe by Justin Bieber and parties galore.
Last December I was in Costa Rica and participated in one of my favorite memories from the World Race.  I’m sure most of you have heard of Operation Christmas Child.  Well, I got to be on the other side.  The side that got to hand out the shoeboxes to kids who would not have received a gift otherwise.  It was amazing!
I want to encourage all of you to get involved this holiday season.  Nation Collection Week is coming up: November 14-21. God has given us so much, don’t you want to give a little of it away?  I promise it will bring joy to your heart.  And get your kids involved too!
These links should give you all the info you need.  No excuses!  And lastly, enjoy the video my teammate Mac put together of us last year…