This year has really stretched me as far as always being ready to speak.  Whether it be just sharing what’s on my heart, a full out sermon, my testimony or all of the above, it has been done many times.  And believe it or not, speaking in front of people is not my favorite thing.  So I have definitely grown these past few months in Africa especially.

The other day we went to a new part of town to evangelize with a different church.  The area where we were was majority Muslim.  Honestly, I was slightly nervous when I found out.  Something in me just felt weird.  My hesitation was more of what these people would think of me, an American missionary coming onto their turf to tell them about Jesus.  Yikes!    

First we went to the church where a small group of women had gathered.  It was very low key; we made introductions and told them about our life.  None of the team really knew what was planned for the day or what was going on.  We were there less than an hour but 3 of the women, Muslim women, gave their life to Christ!  It was amazing.  But the story doesn’t end there…

These women each ran to their house and gathered family, friends and neighbors to hear what we had to say.  So we split up in 2 teams and went to each of these women’s houses.  Mac and I went with the Pastor’s wife and talked to a few people along the way before we made to the particular house we were going to.  It was just the woman who had been at the church, Mama Mary, and one of her neighbors, also Muslim.  

Right then and there I presented the Gospel to her.  I told her that we had been traveling many months to many countries and I have seen that on the outside people are very different.  We look different, speak different languages, eat different food, have different customs; but on the inside, we are all the same.  I told her that I believe that God created each of us with a special place on the inside that can only be satisfied by Him.  So I asked her if she was truly satisfied.  And from that, she accepted Jesus.  It was awesome.  When I woke up that day I had no idea I was going to speak to her, or even what I was going to say.  It just happened.  I opened my mouth and the Holy Spirit filled it.

We went to more houses and I spoke to more people.  Some just listen because we are white Americans, but some really care about what we are saying.  Every house is different but with each new person and area we go to, God is always faithful to protect us and give us His words to speak.