For some reason I thought signing up and doing the World Race would supernaturally take me to a place of great spiritual revelation and deepen my relationship with God.  How can you go around the world being the hands and feet of Jesus without being close to Him?  Well…I am learning that no matter where I am or what I’m doing, my relationship with Him is based on how much I’m willing to give and receive.  It’s totally up to me.  It doesn’t matter if I’m on an island in Nicaragua, the slums of India or in the middle of a field in Africa.  It’s up to me.  Just because I’m a “missionary” doesn’t mean the relationship automatically happens.  

This month we are doing our share of work and ministry but it’s been a month of rest and relaxation.  Part of me feels guilty sometimes but I also want to receive this gift from God because I know hard months are to come.  I’ve spent more time with Him since being here than I have in a long time.  It’s very beautiful here…the sunsets are like a postcard.  

The kids are great; a lot of them are teenagers so we have good conversations.  We are kind of secluded back in the middle of nowhere so our work is around the children’s home doing chores, preparing meals, ministering and hanging out with the kids, etc.  There are certain nights we all gather for worship and one of us shares a word.  We have spent time praying over each kid here.  So I definitely know this month has not been in vain even though we haven’t been overwhelmed with ministry opportunities like last month.  I am soaking up the rest and postcard hammock pictures!