This is Isai.  He is 4 years old and I want to be like him when I grow up.  He is so full of joy, so content in what he has (which is basically hand-me-downs from his 2 older brothers and broken toys) and so confident in who he is.  We are building a house for his family this week so I see him all day, every day. 

We fight “bad guys”, play soccer, make mud pies, you know, the typical little boy games.  

I love hearing him call my name or feeling his little hand grab mine to “vamos jugar!”  The first day we were there he took me on a tour of his house.  He showed me all around and he was especially proud of his toys, which would be considered junk in the US.  We’ve been there all week and he’s only changed clothes once.

At first I felt guilty of not doing heavy duty construction work the entire time but my team helped me realize that I am doing exactly what I should be doing.  Loving him, playing with him, tickling him, getting down on his level, getting dirty.  I love every minute of it.  Makes me think of how I should have child-like faith, not worrying about what the day holds but resting in the fact that I have a Father who takes care of me.

I can’t imagine not seeing him every day.  I hope that in some way I’ve made an impact on his life cause he’s sure made one on mine!