I have never made tortillas before. I never thought I would ever make tortillas in my life. But it has happened and it was awesome. I have step by step instructions for you in case you are curious in how they were made, or how to make them for yourselves!
First you have to get some corn, or maiz. A lot of it.
Then we grind the corn up with this nifty machine while adding water to it. I’m sure you could find one at the local…um…well…maybe you can’t.
So we add water to the corn as it goes through the nifty machine thing. Let’s call it The Corn Masher.
This is what it looks like once it comes out…kind of like play dough.
You have to collect it all. Be sure to not leave ANY behind…that is crucial!
Once it’s in the bowl you rejoice (or maybe it was just me) because you can now make the tortillas!
Next comes FIRE…muah hahahahaha…lots of fire.
I like fire.
Cute little boy break…I couldn’t resist. The family bought us snacks and soda which was very humbling considering we’re building them a house because they do not have an abundance of money.
Now comes the most difficult part of this process. Rolling the tortillas in a perfect circle with the right thickness. I can teach you one day young grasshopper…

Ok…now it’s time to cook the tortillas on the fire. And it is hot ladies and gentlemen. No cooking utensils required. So watch those dedos. (fingers)

We’re almost done! The only thing that can make a tortilla even better is adding QUESO!!!!! My favorite. So just do it. Trust me.
Once the cheese has melted to deliciousness…it is time to enjoy!
Don’t forget to share with the children.
Fun times making tortillas with Miriam. She’s a great teacher!