Jaraida had a pretty normal childhood.  She grew up in a Christian home with a loving family.  At 20 years old, Jaraida’s mother was murdered.  She fled to Canada where she got pregnant and decided to move back to Costa Rica.  Three years later, her brother was babysitting while Jaraida was working one night.  For some reason, at 1am her brother left and the house burned down, killing her child. 
That spun Jaraida into a lifestyle of drugs, prostitution, attempted suicide, jail, alcoholism (mostly drinking nail polish remover since it’s cheaper than liquor), and her share of bad relationships with men.  She lived like this for the next 8 years.  She has been in multiple rehab centers but none of them worked.  
5 days ago Jaraida heard of a women’s rehab center that is based on the power of Jesus and the Holy Spirit.  She checked herself in after being sober on her own for two weeks.  
I had the honor of meeting Jaraida today.  She is so full of life despite what has happened to her.  She knows the only way out of the pit she is in is Jesus and she is depending on Him to be her strength.  She cannot remember the last Christmas she spent sober.  But now Jaraida is surrounded by other women walking on the same path she is.  They can lean on each other, depend on one another, encourage and challenge each other.
It was so awesome to sit in a room, hearing these women’s stories.  They have all been through hell but there was something about Jaraida that stuck out to me.  She is going to help so many others with her story. Please pray for her, and the 8 other women, as they die to their flesh and addictions they’ve lived with for so long and learn to live in the spirit.