The World Race is very good at cultivating CHANGE.  They definitely do not want you to be comfortable or even think about it.  As soon as you finally get the hang of one country, you’re on to the next one.  You are getting fluent in Spanish, they change you to a different continent.  Once you have gotten over the awkwardness of your team, they switch it up.
Change.  Change.  Change.
So things have changed a little bit for team lovebound.  We don’t exist anymore!  Our leadership prayed and sought the Lord and felt like we needed to change a little bit more.  Even though we are sad to no longer have Paul Bell or Sarah Anderson with us, we are so excited to join together with:
Nikki Medders
Phil Khamoua    
I wanted you to know about these changes so you can continue to pray for us and when you start to see them in pictures you won’t be confused!  Phil and Nikki are really awesome and Mac, Angie, Haile, Angela and I are so blessed to work alongside of them the rest of this year. 
We also prayed about a new team name and vision for ourselves.  After a few days we decided on…
drum roll please…
Team Refresh!
“he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed.”
~Proverbs 11:25