Since today is our last full day at Cicrin Children’s Home on Ometepe Island, I wanted to leave you with some revelations I have learned over the past month with some random photos along the way…enjoy!

  • Bugs are everywhere.  Your food, your drink, your water bottle, your bed, probably in your mouth while you sleep, the shower, EVERYWHERE!  You cannot escape so it’s best to embrace it and become their friend. 

  • It is hot all the time and you will sweat in places you never knew sweat glands existed.  Cold showers will become your best friend. 

Wish you could see this every day?  I get to!

  • You will have beans, rice and plantains at every meal.  Breakfast.  Lunch.  Dinner.  Sometimes you will even dream about them…

  • Once you introduce a saying or a song to a 2 year old, it will continue until the end of time.  So choose those sayings or songs wisely my friend.  Choose wisely.

  • Just because you learned a certain word in Spanish class doesn’t mean that it has the exact meaning in every country.  So you could possibly be trying to call someone nice but instead say they are sexy. 

You can’t have a successful fiesta without the Cha Cha Slide!

  • Even though you may spend hours hand washing your clothes with soap that smells clean, they will end up smelling like fish no matter what because…well…that’s what the water smells like. 

  • You never really know when meals are to be served.  Every day is different so if you think breakfast is at 7am one day, it’s really at 8am.  The next day you wake up at 8am and you’ve missed breakfast because it was at 7am.  It’s good to have crackers handy.  

  • Sweet bread is the best invention ever made.  Fresh, warm bread with sweet goodness found in the middle.  It’s like Christmas every time I bite into it and I never want to live my life without it again.  Thank you Jesus.

Nicaraguan Thanksgiving was delicious, if you can’t tell by my face.

  • When you want to take a bus into town, be prepared to wait a long time.  Anywhere from 10 minutes to an hour.  There is no such thing as a bus schedule here.  And watch your step on the way to catch the bus, there could be manure all along the road.  Or you could even get caught in the midst of a herd of cows, that’s an adventure. 

  • While living at a children’s home there is never a dull moment.  There will always be a book to be read, a game to be played, fingernails to be painted, leaves to be raked, a ball to be kicked, a lake to be swum in, a movie to be watched and a hand to be held.  

They love me.  Really they do.