Yesterday was pretty amazing. I mean…who wakes up at 5am to pile on a bus and go hike an active volcano? A volcano that erupted in May of this year. Oh that’s right…World Racers do!
So that’s what we did yesterday. Hiked 7kilometers up Volcano Pacaya. Actually, I would like to say that I hiked all the way up. But I can’t say that. After about 2 or 3km there was an opportunity to ride a horse, or “taxi.” I wish I could tell you that I opted for the horse for the experience and just to have fun. But in reality I could not go any further!

Probably because of the altitude, and the fact that it was literally straight up, and…well…I may be a little out of shape. Or a lot out of shape. So I saw the chance for a horse and took it. To be honest, it was very nerve-wracking! The path up was very steep and very narrow. At times I could feel the horse’s hooves slipping because we were literally walking on ash and lava rock and at any moment I could have fallen to my death! Going downhill was actually the scariest part. I had to just close my eyes and lean back and trust that the horse knew what he was doing because I sure didn’t. Once we got to the top, in one piece, I was thinking to myself why I ever doubted the horse. He takes that path multiple times a day. Even though he is just a horse, he definitely knew what he was doing and I was completely safe to just close my eyes and lean back.
I want to become that dependent on God. The path may look scary but I trust Him with my life. Sometimes you just gotta close your eyes and lean back. It may be bumpy along the way but we will get there in one piece.
And then to get to the top and to imagine how big the volcano was compared to me.

And to think that God holds the
entire universe between His thumb and pinky. Blows my mind! Thank you God for being so great and yet caring about me and wanting a personal relationship with little ‘ol me. Wow!
We are currently in our ministry city for the month, Panajachel. I am so excited about being here, it is so beautiful. We have a team meeting tonight to get a feel for what our weekly schedule will look like so I will keep you updated! Love you all.