My name is Alaina and I’m 23 years old. I’ll be 24 when I leave to go on the world race and 25 by the time I come home. 

I’m so excited for the journey ahead and to share it with y’all! I can’t wait to see what God has in store for the next two years, through fundraising and then on the mission field. I just want to share God’s love and spread the good news, and I can’t wait to start! 

I’m not really sure what all else to post in here but here it goes!

I’m from Louisiana, born and raised! I graduated from McNeese State University in May 2016 and I have been working as an assistant to a realtor ever since then.

I started going to the Vineyard church about 4 years ago and I fell completely in love with the Lord and His people and the community He put me in. Since then I have become involved in children’s ministry, helping with the youth group, helping with local outreaches, and a young adult small group. Every step of the way I have fallen more in love with the Lord and I’m so grateful for the life He has given me and the people He has surrounded me with. 

I love love love to read and to write. So I’m super excited to be able to share my journey with y’all through this blog! I also love animals (especially my pomeranian, Bentley), photography, traveling, movies, and Netflix 

If you want to know more, please feel free to reach out to me through email, phone calls, etc. I would love to get to know you, have coffee, etc! 

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You can also add me on Facebook or follow me on Instagram @alainan326