Why am I leaving my plush life in Minneapolis, Minnesota to live out of a backpack on a missionary budget for 11 months?

Well, to go with the theme (11n11) here are 11 reasons why:

1. Because God told me to:

Prior to learning about the World Race I found myself in daily prayer, asking God for revitalization in my faith and studies. I had no idea what I wanted to do right after graduation, all I could see is my future goal of serving others (most likely in the healthcare setting) and trying to give the glory to God. As I was going through the motions of getting together resources for my grad school and dietetic internship applications God placed the World Race on my heart. I was immediately filled up. God sustained me through the interview process during a busy time at school and continues to do so as WE start fundraising. Glory to God. Anonymous donor of $6 you have no idea how excited I was about my first donation.. thankful I received the notification in the privacy of my own home. You are the GOAT. 

2. I love learning about new cultures. I would even venture to say that people outside of my own culture are easier for me to love than those from my own. God made me this way. My favorite/first doll as a child was an Asian baby doll. I still have it. Growing up I became increasingly comfortable around those of other cultures through volunteering in my own community and travel. I am not the chattiest of people so being able to spend time with others and love on them with a simple smile brings so much joy to my heart. I have also ineffectively begged for my parents to adopt a foreign baby for my birthday and christmas for as long as I can remember…… Brown eyes

3. To serve others. Some of the things I may be doing on the race include:

-love widows and orphans

-give light to those enslaved in human trafficking

-help with construction


-serve food to the hungry

-minister in church plants

-share the gospel to remote tribes

-help Bible translation organizations 

-encourage missionaries on the field, my teammates and persecuted Christians

4. To step out of my comfort zone. Okay, this may be a leap. 

5. To learn to live one day at a time. I have no idea what the World Race experience will be like. The route information provided is vague. We are not even guaranteed that we will see all 11 countries. We may venture to other countries instead. Some ministry contacts are set up but a lot of what the World Race is about is letting God lead you every day. Some people might be really excited by this but I personally, am terrified of this.  One of my top strengths of from StrengthsFinders is Futuristic (People strong in the Futuristic theme are inspired by the future and what could be. They inspire others with their visions of the future.), along with Intellection, Maximizer, Learner and Belief. Which leads me to my next reason to go on the World Race…

6. To spend more time with God. Even though I am only 22 and my sole responsibility is myself, I can’t seem to get enough time with God. The race won’t take away all distractions but spending 11 months straight of serving Him should mean spending a lot of time with Him. 

7. To better understand my place in His plan. I am not sure what I want to do next in life. The World Race is what I am called to do after graduation but what after that? I pray God makes this clear to me through my World Race experience. 

8. To make lifelong friendships. I will be traveling with a group of 40-60 believers ranging from 21-35 years young. You can learn more about them through the Meet my Squad tab. Eventually, we will also form smaller ministry teams.

9. To learn to live with less. 1 backpack, 11 months. 

10. To travel. (Who doesn’t want to travel?)

11. Because its biblical:

For this is what the Lord has commanded us: “I have made you a light for the Gentiles, that you may bring salvation to the ends of the earth.” Acts 13:47


For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me and for the gospel will save it. Mark 8:35


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