I spent this Christmas Season in the beach city of Da Nang, Vietnam teaching English to college students. Every day was a blast. I love my Vietnamese students and I am continually inspired by their hunger to learn; not just English but also about their savior, Jesus Christ. I have never had the desire to do ministry with young adults until I experienced this hunger and longing from my English students. Vietnam is closed country meaning spreading the gospel there is illegal. However, from what I witnessed during my time in Vietnam this only made their desire for the Lord stronger. 


We had the privilege of being with our students during the Christmas season which brought many opportunities to share our faith through celebration. Our ministry had numerous Christmas parties full of delicious Vietnamese food, bonding and learning what Christmas really is about. Vietnam was a time of celebration. We sang, danced and ate a ton. I will never forget singing karaoke with the students and performing a special dance performance for them. They told me I am very talented.. at being funny. 


Unfortunately, my time of ministry in Vietnam was cut short on Christmas Eve. I fell down the stairs and didn’t get up for 3 weeks. I was disappointed to miss out on our goodbyes in Vietnam and the first two weeks of ministry Cambodia but the Lord provided in a way I couldn’t have planned on my own. 


Instead of traveling to Cambodia with my team I was able to stay in Saigon, the capitol of Vietnam, with my parents, my brother Josh and my squad leader/pal Grace to receive medical care. At first I was frustrated to have ministry interrupted but God provided that opportunity to increase my prayer life and dependence on Him. I learned how crucial prayer is in rest and recovery and I am grateful for how that time changed my heart and mindset for the rest of the race.



my team and our English students made “chocolate chip cookies” in the toaster oven.