I have failed to tell the majority of people that I interact with daily and/or weekly that I am planning to leave the country in January to go on a mission trip (In fact, I just told my pastor last week). Not just any mission trip, an 11 month long journey with The World Race. For the ones who know, their reactions to the news includes, *gasps* and it follows with a  “Wow”, “That’s a long time!”, “You’re going to have so much fun!” 


Now before I say this, please understand I am not a party pooper, but this is not exactly what I describe as fun. 


This mission trip comes with a great sacrifice, as it requires me to be completely selfless of my time. I have always thought of myself as a selfless person because of my serving mentality but this has stretched me greatly. Any plans that I had for myself and my personal goals are on hold – paused. I do not know what life is going to be like passed January 2018 and that is not the most comforting thing to say. This trip has revealed some areas that my faith and trust has never been tested.


My secrecy about the trip is mostly because I view the mission of this trip more than the fact that I will be traveling for 11 months. The mission is “The Great Commission” (Matthew 28:19-20). The mission is Love (1 Peter 4:8). This has required me to fast; not the ordinary fast that a church might call for, but a daily fast that honestly has not ended. I don’t know when this fast is going to end, or if it even has an ending. 


With that being said, here is my second announcement that I AM GOING ON THE WORLD RACE! 

Here is my cry to all my friends and family and anyone else who happens to read this blog. Please stand with me in prayer and in any other way that you can support my mission! I am in the middle of first fundraising called Adopt-A-Box. If I can get all of the boxes (1-100) adopted, I will meet my first goal of $5,000 for the trip. How it works: The price of the box is the number on the box. In order to adopt the box, you donate the amount on the box that you choose to adopt. (i.e Box 23 = $23 , Box 77 = $77)

1) Go to my personal blog: akeleawallace.theworldrace.org

2)Click donate to purchase your box.

3)I will receive you gift via email and will cover your box with a smiley face!

4) Rejoice with me!


*Please note that your donation is tax deductible* Your donation can be any amount; every dollar and penny counts!


Thank you and be blessed! – Akelea