If I went to India to help innocent children break free from the sex trade, would you give me $9? But of course! Then, if the next month I went to Rwanda to serve and love AIDS patients… would you give me another $9? Most likely. And if the following month I went to Tanzania to care for orphans. Would you give me yet another $9? I'm willing to bet yes

But what if I went to 11 countries in 11 months… traveling around the world serving the poor, carrying my possessions on my back, living like the locals? Would you give me $9 per month to personally change lives around the world?

Honestly friends, my eyes and heart have been opened to the dire needs of people in places where there's little-to-no opportunity for self-help or government aid. After seeing so many heartbreaking situations last year during mission trips to Haiti and Kenya, I feel called to go out and fight for (with great love) the oppressed, sick, hungry, brokenhearted and abandoned. In fact, I feel so compelled to go out and serve that I'm leaving everything in my life behind for 11 months, and I'm asking for your help. 

If your daughter was forced into the sex trade, would you want someone to come fight for her life? Is she worth $9? If you were an orphan, would you want someone to love you, to teach you, to care for you? Are you worth $9? $9/month to change lives – so little $ for such a great, personal impact! 

I'll be the hands and feet – I'll physically go out and do the work and give the love – if you'll give $9/month for 11 months. I'll go all in – I'll give 100%… if you'll give $99. Please help me friends! To reach my financial goal for this trip, I need 101 people to take a stand with me against poverty and oppression! Together – we can be a part of something extraordinary

Will you be 1 of 101 to help me change lives worldwide this next year?

With my whole heart, I'm counting on it. Please help make this happen… 🙂

TO BE 1 – to help me change lives around the world – CLICK HERE