So why do I go? Why do I want to leave the comfort of my home to live out of a backpack and sleep in a tent for a year? To some this trip won't make sense but as followers of Christ the things we do will not always make sense. We are commanded to evangelize and I have been given this desire. I break for the lost and I want to speak hope into their lives. I want people to know the hope and the peace that I have received and I want to show the broken the love of Christ. 

I am willing to go and do whatever it takes to move the kingdom of God forward. I go because I know that there are people suffering all over the world, there are woman and children enslaved in the sex industry, there are women and children being beaten, women and children who do not have enough to feed themselves, and there are people who do not know the hope that Jesus offers. Throughout the gospels we read that Jesus was moved by compassion. He was moved by the desperate and the broken to heal them and offer them hope. It is up to us, as Christians to give, to present the offer of living hope. 

I want to live my life surrendered to the one who shed his blood for me and I want to do that by really following him, to walk in his footsteps. In Philippians Paul considers all things to be loss compared to knowing Christ and he willingly suffered the loss of everything. I desire to know Christ and to gain him and I believe God has called me to reach the loss and I will go.

Will you come alongside me on this journey?