It is interesting, fascinating and awe inducing to see the way that the Lord changes his people's hearts to the desires that he has for them. Growing up in a Christian house-hold I had a basic belief in the Lord since a young age and I believed that I was a true Christian because I prayed the sinner's prayer but the desires I had were not of the Lord. So, thinking I was a Christian, yet not producing any fruit, I never had the desire to do missions to help people. I said to myself, "You know, missions is for other people, for other Christians, but not for me." At the age of 18, still not saved, God gave me the desire to go to Bible College and my life began to change once I got accepted. It was February of 2011 during the first couple weeks of the semester that I finally surrendered to the Lord and repented of my sin. I was given an understanding of my sin and an understanding of true salvation. A friend of mine shared this verse with me: 

"Delight yourself in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart."

He shared with me that it's not as simple as saying "Oh, I delight in the Lord" and then he gives you your desires but that delighting in the Lord is being in a state of contentment with him as the full source of our satisfcation. He said to me, "When you're truly delighting in the Lord he will begin to change the desires of your heart to match the desires that he would have for you." 

Over that Spring, he began to work in me and change my heart towards doing work. He changed my heart and gave me the heart of a missionary as i began to learn more about his heart. I learned and came to an understanding that everywhere we go is the mission field and I began to look for an opportunity that would involve preaching the gospel of hope. 

This is where my heart is now, to honor the Lord and bring him glory by the presenting of his gospel and reaching out to the hopeless and serving them in any way that I can.