I can’t believe our 3rd month in Cyprus has come and gone! Cyprus was incredible. It was our first month working with a ministry partner and we were absolutely blown away by the community we found here.

As I mentioned in my previous post Oasis is an organization supporting refugees in Cyprus. As soon as we arrived: we had orientation, went over our schedule, and got to work. We were asked about our strengths and when an opportunity presented itself to create a spreadsheet and do data entry: I jumped right up! If you know me, you know how much I enjoy administrative work. This was a great opportunity to use a skill that is not necessarily glamorous yet still useful and was very needed in order to track data. I loved being able to do this and feel like I was contributing to the organization in a tangible way.

Another thing I got to do this past month was teach a few beginner’s English classes to adults. This was a bit out of my comfort zone but it was incredibly fun and rewarding as well. I’ve never had to teach anyone English and it allowed made me realize all the complexity associated with the English language. It has taught me to have grace with those whose English is their second or even third or fourth language. Trying to learn English coming from the Arabic language is especially challenging considering you have to learn to read, write, and pronounce letters that you have never seen or used. You also have to consider that Arabic is read from right to left and that it has no capitals. Teaching and explaining these concepts to someone whose language is so different can be challenging to say the least; yet I was amazed at the refugees’ willingness and eagerness to learn. They were incredibly attentive in class and would get excited every time they spelled or pronounced a word right. I was also incredibly happy when they remembered a word or concept I taught them in the previous class and when they would say “thank you teacher!” at the end of class. I’ve never been called a teacher, it was incredibly sweet and humbling.

We also got to participate in the weekly food distribution. Every week Oasis distributes roughly about 60-70 bags of fresh fruits and veggies as well as some dry/canned food essentials to singles and refugee families in need. It was shocking to see how quickly the bags would go. It would take us about an hour to make the bags and they would all be gone within 5 minutes or so. The need is so great and it was incredibly hard to know that there would be more people in line than we had bags to give; but it was also incredibly powerful to submit this to the Lord in prayer and trust that He is providing for people in ways we do not always get to see. 

I truly loved how Christ centered and focused everyone at this ministry was. Every morning we got to pray together and do a devotional before the center opened for any activity; whether it was English classes, food or clothing distribution, cafe, or women’s ministry. This time really helped to set the tone and focus on Jesus regardless of whatever the day would bring.

Cyprus is a beautiful island, a hidden gem, but the most precious treasure we found there were the people. The community of missionaries and volunteers at Oasis welcomed and loved us in the best way. It was an incredible blessing for our team to be surrounded by strong Christian marriages. We were invited to dinner at everyone’s homes and treated with the utmost hospitality and love, we truly felt like family after just a few days. It was incredibly hard having to say goodbye.

A Bible verse that really stuck with me this month was:
“When God’s people are in need, be ready to help them. Always be eager to practice hospitality.”  Romans 12:13 NLT

Our friends at Oasis are doing an amazing job of practicing hospitality and helping those in need. Please join me in praying that the Lord will bless their ministry and send other missionaries to Cyprus to help them continue the good work! If you are interested in learning more about them please visit http://oasisprojectcy.com/content/about-us/ and consider becoming a financial supporter. 

When I return home, I pray that I will be ready to help those in need around me and eager to practice hospitality as well. My home is always open to you for a cup of coffee or a meal; I can’t wait to get back and host you and share more about this incredible experience. I couldn’t do it without all of your love, prayers, and financial support! As always THANK YOU and may God bless you abundantly!