There has been this growing theme in my life called: The Art of Redemption, but 4 days ago the Lord stretched out His hand and blew that door wide open.

As many of you know, I have used the Art of Redemption as a fundraiser to sell my artwork, jewelry and handmade crafts and put towards the World Race.  Thursday, as I was finishing up three murals I had been working on at Mi Casa, the Lord gave me a vision and called me to build a ministry beyond my imagination. At first I was afraid of it, but after praying, surrendering and having my team speak truth into that vision today, I am embracing it. Let me share a bit more…

When we arrived at Mi Casa, Bob explained that our ministry that month would be to paint the two houses from top to bottom, but in the boys’ house, the one with the offices, he wanted something special on this big empty wall you see as soon as you walk in. He said so many people would come in and ask if they were a church group or something, but his dream was that they wouldn’t have to wonder, that they would walk in and just know that these people followed Jesus. So I offered to paint a mural and that night spent some time praying and asking the Lord for a vision; something that would hold much meaning and much life. And this is what He gave:

The sketch to be scanned

Eventually I added the other black and while murals in the kitchen half way through the month, but this big colourful one took a long time. First I had to sketch them out on paper. Then we had to scan them and use a projector to trace them on to the wall. Then me being afraid of heights I had to climb up very high and paint this wall to life. The whole time I prayed and worshipped as the Lord moved my brush in ways I never thought I was capable of.

The mural in process

Needed a little help fro my friends, as I am seriously afraid of heights. Eventually I dove in!

The sketches of the murals that were scanned and then projected and traced.

Then at the end of the month, I was working on the white tree with the cage, and the Lord spoke so deep into my soul that I thought I was going to buckle at my knees, and weep. It was a calling so heavy I didn’t think I could bare it. The Lord put before me various scenes of me going into dark and desolate places, armed with a paintbrush and bringing the walls to life with beautiful murals that spoke to everyone inside. I went into rehab centers for freed, child soldiers; I went into rescue houses for girls who had been in sex slavery; I went into hospitals, birthing centers, schools, prisons and orphanages praying for an image and then letting the Lord use me to paint it out. It became this amazing ministry where all sorts of artists joined me on missions trips and local projects in Canada, just painting life into the dark places—redeeming the lives that were once taken away.

And then the Lord said: THIS is the Art of Redemption!

I have been praying and processing through this vision and struggling with various questions, insecurities and fears about embracing this calling. I don’t know what exactly this looks like but I am trusting that the Lord will bring that to light as the months go by—hopefully I get to paint in every country!! (I have so far!) So here are the pictures of what the murals looked like and the family they are for. I loved being able to bless them and stand in awe at what the Lord can do when you surrender yourself and be His brush.

May you too allow Him to use you as His brush and to paint the art of redemption, wherever you are.