Well, here it is one day before training camp and as I look back at my last blog, I am amazed at how God has moved since then to bring me to this point here and now. With great thankfulness and awe I hereby announce that I have met my deadline of $3,500 and am well on my way to meeting December’s deadline of $6,500!! I remember being nervous and afraid that the money wouldn’t come through on time, but then something changed and the Lord gave me absolute peace and confidence that there was nothing to be worried about. I have been called and I will be taken care of. On October 1st I still needed $566 for my plane ticket, $708 for my health insurance, approx. $1000 for shots, and then the $1,300 still owing in my account to meet my deadline. The next morning I spoke at my church very briefly and the cheques came pouring in! Not only did I walk away that day with my deadline met but also enough to get my shots, plane ticket and the bracelet money was enough to cover my health insurance! NOT TO US BUT TO HIS NAME BE THE GLORY!
I love how every time God sends me on one of these crazy-awesome journeys He not only makes the mountain higher to climb each time, but gives me even more strength to get there. He is such a good God. I cannot emphasize that word enough. Just think of the magnitude that word good holds….Our God, Yaweh, Jehovah, Jesus Christ…He is a GOOD God. Mmmm that is sweet. His longing to care for me is so beautiful and I have spent these past couple weeks soaking up the Love of God. And it has been beautiful.  One of my squad-mates wrote on our FB wall: “God is wonderful and I am in love” I couldn’t think of any better way to describe how I feel right now….pure love.

Tomorrow I hop on a plane bright and early and head down to Georgia for training camp. Right now I have mixed emotions. On one hand I am so excited and eager to get there and meet my family for the next year (and what I expect to be for life), and on the other I am so nervous and terrified. Will I fit in, will I click with everyone…will I be adequate for the task laid out before me?  I have never been in a situation like this before. I have never gone anywhere completely alone and I have never been away from home for that length of time.  11 months is LONG…..and short at the same time. A lot can happen in 11 months and I am sad not to be here for it all. I went out for breakfast with my mother the other day and I talked about how much easier it would be if I didn’t go. I can think of a million good reasons not to go on the World Race…..and I can think of only one reason that I must go: God is wonderful and I am in love. My purpose in life is not to be financially secure; it is not to be a wife or a good mom; it is not to get a good education and have a successful career. He may use things like marriage and money and school to help us fulfil our purpose but that is not the end goal. It is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever! Ahhhh what bliss! Isn’t that freeing? I hate the thought of being trapped inside the "American dream", and God sets me free from that, offering me so much more.

I guess I just wanted to write this quick blog to update you all and thank you for your support and prayers. And to give God the praise He deserves.  Off to training camp I go! Please send your prayers with me 🙂