In exactly 9 days will be the outcome of much prayer and hard work to stay here on this race.
In 9 days the results will be in my fundraising account and it will be decided whether or not I continue on with the race.
In 9 days I will either go or I will either stay…

So I have been asking myself what does that even mean?  And if I could decide what would my choice be? Being a list-maker, I came up with a list of reasons to stay and reasons to go and this is what I have:

Reasons to Go:

  1. I would get to sleep in a comfy bed
  2. I would get to eat the food I like and I’m not allergic to
  3. I would get to see my friends and family
  4. Less bugs and smaller spiders
  5. Hot showers
  6. Not having to do feedback and reflection every single night
  7. Less dirt between my toes, in my hair and all over my clothes
  8. Regular bowl movements!!!!
  9. Roosters, dogs and big rig trucks wouldn’t wake me up every morning at the but crack of dawn
  10. I could watch The Big Bang Theory, FRIENDS and One Tree Hill whenever I wanted.
  11. I could speak to everyone in English and actually have a clue of what they are saying back
  12. I could actually stick to a schedule and expect to carry out planned activities on time
  13. I could eat an apple without wondering if I’m going to get a parasite
  14. I could choose not to be around someone when they are annoying me
  15. I wouldn’t have to sign up for a chance to go on the internet or take a shower

Reasons to Stay:

  1. I have prayed for an opportunity like this my whole life and here it is.
  2. I am surrounded by 38 people who are crazy, deeply in love with the Father and not afraid to scream it out loud
  3. I am getting to be a part of God’s story as He pours out His love on the nations
  4. I get to see people let go of the bondage, oppression and chains they have been living in for years and walk free from it all
  5. I get to use my love for painting to bring life and hope to dark places
  6. I laugh at least 3 times a day
  7. I get to abandon technology and materialism to see the true meaning in life and just enjoy nature
  8. Cold showers are actually refreshing and they encourage you to be ready for the day
  9. I save money that I would have spent on gym memberships and tanning beds by working out in the hot sun all day
  10. I get the opportunity every night to have 6 people tell me how great I am, who God has made me to be and then to call out the areas of my life that need work and call me up into life and freedom
  11. I get to taste food, smell smells and hear sounds that I never knew existed
  12. I get to learn a new language
  13. I get to learn how to love without using words
  14. I get to learn from 38 other perspectives, opinions and insights
  15. I get to be away from my friends and family in order that I may realize how blessed I am to have them
  16. Becoming free from law and legalism and embracing the love and freedom that Jesus intended us to have
  17. I have more time and less distractions to read the Bible and realize how insanely awesome this book is!
  18. I am becoming a fighter! A warrior! No longer someone who flees
  19. I am finding my home in the Father and displacing my orphan spirit
  20. I am developing a passion for my family in Jamaica whom I’ve never even met
  21. I am being prepared for marriage and motherhood
  22. I am becoming more comfortable with the skin I’m in
  23. I am putting an end to apologizing for the woman God made me to be and embracing the mystery that I am!
  24. I am seeing “ministry” as a way of life, not something that some of us are called to do. It’s just love and it’s just life.
  25. I am learning to appreciate every cup of coffee I get or every taste of peanut butter. Don’t take them for granted!
  26. Knowing how BLESSED I am to be born in Canada! It is clean, safe, and people have NO IDEA how free and rich we are!
  27. Understanding that blessing comes with a responsibility to bless others.

…..No joke, I could go on and on and on!

Looking at the second list (that is much longer) and then comparing it to the first, I realize how shallow the first one is and how full of LIFE the second one is!
I want to stay.
I NEED to stay.

I need $3653…
I have 9 days…
I expect a miracle and nothing less. 

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