Back in May I wrote this blog about my teammates. This blog was written after we had just had our first ever team change on M Squad. Well, now we're in month 9 of the World Race and I've spent 4 solid months with these guys, so I'd like to update you all on who they really are now…


Meet Gabe Bedford, our team leader. He has been on the same team with me since month 1 in Costa Rica, so I've really gotten to know him well. But for those of you who don't know him well, here is what you need to know: he is 25 years old, from Columbia, Missouri, the son of Carl "Carlsbad" Bedford and Karen Bedford, and Karen Bedford is a saint. He has grown a lot spiritually since month 1 of the Race, and I am so proud to have him as my team leader. He may see me as a Rafiki, but I see him as a (giant) Yoda when he it comes to wisdom and discernment. To learn more about Gabe, visit his blog:


I've had the pleasure of being on the same team as Gabe (minus the month of April when it was MANistry month) since the beginning of the Race. Gave turned 26 whilst we were in Rwanda, and the entire team (and some of the squad) celebrated with him by eating at the most delicious burrito place in Kilgali, Meze Fresh. He is still a team leader, but he is leading a new team, team Renew, since we had team changes at the end of debrief in Uganda. We've shared many laughs, had deep conversations, and he has been such an encouragement to me and my walk with Christ this year. Karen and Carl Bedford have a LOT to be proud of when it comes to their son!

Fun facts about Gabe: Gabe has a fairly recent addiction to playing the card game, Hearts. There was one point during the month of August (in Uganda) where he was playing Hearts on his iPhone whilst we were playing a real game of Hearts. He also killed a chicken for us one morning before church! He just sawed off its head. It was the most tasty chicken I've had all year!



Meet Sara Shoup. She, too, has been on a team with me since month 1 in Costa Rica. Sara is 22 years old and is from Smithville, Ohio. She pours so much of her heart and time in to others on the team and the squad, and I love hearing her laugh! Speaking of the squad… Sara is currently serving our entire squad by helping figure out the logistics and travel plans when we move from country to country. It's definitely no easy task, but she is great at it!  To learn more about Sara, visit her blog:


Sara has recently stepped down as Logistics Leader for the squad and she is now serving as the team Finance person on team Renew. (Her and Gabe are still on the same team together!) Sara turned 23 in July right when we first got to Uganda. She has been such a pivotal part of my Race since we have been on the same team since January. I've seen her grow so much in her confidence as a woman, as a Christian, and as a leader this year. I'm sad to no longer be on the same team as her, but I am excited to see how she will grow during the remaining 3 months of the Race.

Fun facts about Sara: I got to meet her parents during Parent Vision Trip (PVT) earlier this month. Her father informed me that she is quite the hunter — she grew up squirrel hunting and even shot a deer and had its head mounted on the wall. I never knew she was a hunter!



Meet Danae Englund, our team treasurer! She is 23 years old and is from Fall City, Washington. Danae has a strange obsession with the Jurassic Park movies and absolutely loves dinosaurs…  but not as much as she loves her family and her little sister, Kaja. She is constantly smiling and is so joyful all the time. She's like a ball of sunshine! During month 2 of the race, she broke her foot and had to wear a cast for 8 or 9 weeks. CRAZY! But God has been showing her a lot through that minor set back, and I cannot wait to see her grow over the next few months! To learn more about Danae, visit her blog: 


Danae is also on a new team. She is no longer serving as a Finance person, so she gets to enjoy the last 3 months of her Race as a racer! She has been through a LOT the last 4 months. While we were in Cambodia in June, she had to be flown to Thailand to have emergency surgery to remove her gall bladder. I am happy to report that she is as cheerful as ever despite having a fairly rough race when it comes to be injured or sick. I have seen her grow so much as an individual and 

Fun facts about Danae: she is (still) obsessed with dinosaurs and names everything "Cooper" because that's her dog's name. After being on her team, I've come to learn that she literally watches Jurassic Park at least once a week. She also has this awesome ability to float in deep water without having to tread at all.



Meet Malerie Parenteau! She is 24 years old and is from Virginia Beach, Virginia. Malerie absolutely loves to read books. During our month here in Malaysia, she has managed to read the entire Chronicles of Narniaseries and is now plowing through the Harry Potter books. Malerie can always be counted on to give you some encouragement or spend some quality time with you. Whilst on the Race, she has gotten 2 tattoos, one in Costa Rica and one in Thailand. (Don't worry folks, she didn't just wake up one day and say "I'm going to et a random tattoo today!") Both have spiritual meanings to her and are a part of her life story. To learn more about Malerie, visit her blog:


Malerie is still on a team with Gabe and Sara. She has grown a lot over the last 4 months and has really discovered who she is. I have seen her come out of her shell and walk in the authority that God has given her. She hasn't gotten any new tattoos, but she has gotten a weave (see above picture) in both Rwanda and Uganda.

Fun facts about Malerie: Malerie's middle name is Lesley, and she often goes by her middle name because "Malerie" is too hard for many of the locals to say… however, our Pastor in Uganda called her "Sally" instead. Oops! 



Meet Daniel Auzenne. He is a 23 year old from Gary, Indiana. (Fun fact, Gary, Indiana is where Michael Jackson is from!) At first I thought Daniel was bit quirky because he is literally willing to try any food (i.e. insects or other nauseating foods). And he calls it fun! I call it gross. Anyway, Daniel is a deep thinker and loves to have deep, philosophical conversations. He is great at listening to what God has to say to him, and I look forward to seeing him grow in his walk with The Lord during this next season of the Race. To learn more about Daniel, visit his blog:


Daniel is on a new team as well for the remaining 3 months of the Race. He has always taken an interest in the local culture where ever we go, and loves to dress in the local culture's fashion. Daniel took it upon himself to learn how to make chapati (an excellent food that is a staple in every African's daily food intake) whilst we were in Rwanda; that was some of the best chapati I've tasted! Daniel loves to preach and evangelize to the lost. I learned how to evangelize from him this year when we were in Rwanda.

Fun facts about Daniel: Daniel is always there to capture every moment with his camera, and he is very intentional about uploading pictures to Facebook almost immediately after taking them. If it wasn't for him, I'm pretty sure no one back home would ever see pictures of what I've been up to this year.


So there you have it! I will be forever grateful for these 5 people and for all the memories I've shared with them this year. We had a lot of good, hard, funny and non-so-funny times with one another, but I wouldn't trade it for the world. I have become a better Christian and a better all-around person because of these 5 people. 

Gabe, Sara, Aimee, Danae, Malerie and Daniel at a Ugandan Wedding Introduction Ceremony

Our Rwandan weaves… mine lasted a total of 4 days before I took it out. (Sara, Aimee, Danae and Malerie)

Stay tuned for my next blog post on my new team! I will post it as soon as I am done writing it… which may be a week or so…

Hey guys! I am still in need of personal funds to purchase things (like toiletries, warmer clothes — Nepal might be a bit cold) and have money to be able to do fun things – like buy a cold pop from time to time or go sightseeing. If you would like to help donate to my personal fund, you can do so by donating money through PayPal. My email address is [email protected].