For those of you who have not already heard, I have been in the hospital in Chiang Mai, Thailand for 3 days now. I came in because I had a high fever and severe chest pains for several days. What the doctors originally thought to be bronchitis has now turned in to pneumonia in my left lung.

I left Honduras with a phlegmy cough. It was gross and annoying to say the least. I thought it would leave by the time we got to Thailand, but it didn't. Chances are that this illness started whilst I was in Honduras and it is now manifesting in Thailand as pneumonia takes a few days to show itself.

I've been on an IV and have had several different antibiotics over the last few days, but the doctor just told me that my left lung is now 1/4 full of fluid. The good news is that he thinks taking doxycycline will help. (Doxycycline is a common prescription medication that many of us racers take for malaria prevention whilst on the World Race.) The bad news is that I foolishly stopped taking it once I got to Thailand because I was feeling so ill. However, starting tonight, I will be back on it!

Sidenote: the nurses here are really nice, and this hospital (Chiang Mai Ram Hospital) is a great facility. I have my own room and I don't feel like I'm in a 3rd world hospital.

If the doxycycline route doesn't work after about 2-3 days, they will have to extract the fluid from my lung. All I know is that it involves a needle and it's not a comfortable procedure. (The doctor did assure me that he would put me in "la la land" before doing the procedure if it came down to it.) 

Needless to say, I can definitely use some prayers here. I know God is with me and that He won't give me anything I can't handle. So far I feel fairly optimistic about everything, and I'm almost certain its because of all of your prayers. So thank you SOOO much for the prayers!

Below are a few things I'd like prayers for:

  1. For the doxycycline to work its magic so the fluid will leave my lung ASAP.
  2. For my spirits to continue to remain high.
  3. For my breathing not to be hindered anymore.
  4. For the doctor(s) and nurses who are taking care of me.

Thank you all so much for praying for me over the last few days and for the continued prayers. I truly believe that God is at work here and that He will get me through this. As I know more information about my health I will be sure to update my blog.