How is the $15,500 used for the World Race?

$15,500 sounds like a lot of money, but when you take in to account how it will be used and what expenses it covers, it really doesn't sound like a lot. Below are some pie charts to show you how the money you are donating will be used. (Note: this does not include the cost of gear, traveler's insurance, and shots/vaccinations before the race. All of this will cost me around an additional $3,000 when all is said and done.)

World Race Donations


That means that the $15,500 is broken up like this:

  • Training Camp – $320
  • Field Support – $620
  • WR Development Program – $1,860
  • Administration Fees – $2,635
  • World Racer – $10,075

The 65% That Goes Directly to the 11 Months on the Field


The 11-month budget:
  • Intercontinental Travel – $4,235.00
  • Food – $1,256.25
  • Lodging – $1,758.75
  • Transportation – $1,005.00
  • Long Distance Travel & Misc. Supplies – $1,115.55

If you have any questions about how your donations will be used, please do not hesitate to ask. You can email me at [email protected] or comment below.