My World Race experience would not have been the same if it were not for these men.

Left to right: Jordan Treuter, Trever Ball, Jay Dannelley, Daniel Auzenne, Gabe Bedford, Kent Cranford, Jeff Tyner, Joel Dutton, Devin Tudor, Blake Meehan, Scott Kwak, Will Gibbs, and our Squad Coach, Roger McCormick.

They have been surrounded by 40 girls for the majority of 2013 and have not only been the minority of M Squad, but they have put up with a lot of from us women. They have endured countless hours of conversations about girly things, watched Chick Flicks with us, let us paint their nails, killed many bugs for us, helped us load and unload our bags on and off more planes and buses than I can count, and have selflessly given up their seats on overcrowded buses numerous times so we would have somewhere to sit. They have acted as our protectors in many ways – especially when walking down the streets of semi-shady towns, villages and cities – and have set the bar high when it comes to what a Christian man can and should look like.

On Valentine’s Day they served us ladies dinner and made us a video.


As if the video weren’t enough to show us love, they even took the time to write each and every one of us ladies a card! (Insert “awww!” here.) Whoever says chivalry is dead needs to meet these men. Seriously.

I have been beyond blessed to know these men and I am proud and honored to call them my brothers. I have seen them grow exponentially this year in the areas of service, patience, love, peace, faith and sonship (just to name a few). They are truly mighty men of God.

Saying “thank you” to these guys falls so incredibly short of the gratitude and appreciation I and my M Squad sisters feel. How can you say “thank you” when these men have looked out for you when riding in shady buses or tuk tuks, listened to you talk about your deep dark fears, seen you sob and have snot running down your face, given you a hug when you needed it most, prayed with fervency for you, challenged you to be a Daughter of the King, and have shown you grace and love over and over and over?

The answer is, you can’t. “Thank you” just cannot encompass the gratitude and appreciation I have for these men. I hope that as they read this they will know how incredibly loved they are by not only me, but my fellow M Squad sisters. You all have been a pivotal part of my journey this year, and I would not be the woman I am today if it weren’t for all of you.

So cheers to all of you and your awesomeness. And I can’t wait to see you sick freaks at Project Searchlight!

