Get to Know the World Race X Sqaud!


Basic Information

Name: Aimee Labelle

Age: 23

Hometown/Current City: Hometown- Toronto!!! current: about an hour outside of Toronto.

Current Job/School(if student): Intake Clerk at a Home Health Care company.

Brothers/Sisters: 2 sisters, and I have the pleasure of being stuck in the middle 


Favorite Things!

purple – eggplant purple. 

Pearl Harbor, Remember the Titans, Pocahontas, Harry Potter (all of them), LOTR, Bride & Prejudice (not a typo… its an actual movie, I also like Pride & Prejudice) … I could legit go on forever naming movies I love…

Disney Movie: 
If I had to pick just one… Pocahontas (I watch it every year on my birthday).


Harry potter (all of them)


Ice Cream Flavor: 

baking carrot cake and carrot muffins with my nan as a kid.

Intense love does not measure, it simply gives – Mother Teresa

Jeremiah 33:3 is the first one that came to mind


Sport to play: 

Sport to watch: 
soccer!!!!! and football. 

Sports Team:
NFL: Vikings!
EPL: Manchester United
International soccer: Espana!
​NBA: Raptors!

that about sums up the teams I follow intensely. 

Random Questions!

Best Vacation: 
Cruise to Honduras, Belize, & Mexico 

#1 on your bucket list: 
To visit every country in the world. 

What fictional character do you relate most to?
Ariel – because I'm extremely curious.

Things you like to do for fun: 
shopping, beach, watch movies, chill with my buds.

Something you cannot go a day without:
Seeing my dad – he's the coolest dad ever.

What is the last spontaneous thing you did? 
After visiting a friend for 3 days in a city very far from home (that i'd never been to before) I decided to move there…so I drove the 5 hours home, packed all my stuff into my car, told my parents I was moving out, and had relocated within 24 hrs.

Coolest place you ever been: 
probably the Bahamas or the UK

What is your biggest pet peeve? 
honestly… people who don't vote in elections.

Most embarrassing/crazy story you are a part of: 
I don't easily get embarrassed, so I'd have to say probably in grade 1 when I peed my pants in gym class.

One word that your closest friends and family would use to describe you:  crazy


World Race Questions!

Have you ever been on an international mission trip? If so, where?
Yes, but I was too young to remember… in years I can remember of my life no. 

What is the most prized possession in your backpack? 
probably going to end up being my computer or my external. 

What are you going to miss the most?
Holidays with my family, my family, Starbucks. Narnia.

One thing you HAVE to take with you? 
a camera – its doesn't have to be the best, but I want to be able to relive all the amazing moments later.

One touristy thing you want to experience on the race? 
there are too many things to pick just one.. probably riding an elephant if I had to choose.

What are you most excited to experience on the race?
I am most excited to experience new cultures.

What are you most nervous to experience on the race?
I wouldn't call it nervous, but I already know that leaving people behind that I come to love in a month is going to wreck me. 

What country are you most excited about serving in?
The Philippines

What ministry excites you the most to experience on the race? 
anything with kids – working in orphanages in particular

What nonessential item do you want to bring in your pack? 
i don't know to be honest.