Prostitute. Child Slavery. Sex. Human Trafficking.

Most of us have heard these words.  Unfortunately, most of us do not see them as something that affects us. And that’s how we felt…until now, that is.

This month there are two teams from the X-Squad in Chiang Mai, Thailand working with Lighthouse in Action.  We work in the red light district in the middle of the city doing bar ministry several nights a week. 

Women and children are being traded and bought.  Some are sold by their parents to pay off a debt; some are sold simply because their parents want a television set.  Others come from villages to cities looking for a good job only to end up working at a bar and selling their bodies every night to a paying customer. 



– 27 million people are estimated to be in slavery today worldwide – more than any other time in history. 

– Human trafficking generates +$32 billion per year.

– The typical age of entry into the sex trade is 13 or 14 years old. 

– 1% of traffickers are prosecuted worldwide, despite the fact that slavery is illegal everywhere.

– 66% of white men that land in the Bangkok airport are in Thailand to participate in sex tourism.

-That 66% only accounts for about 10% of the sex tourism activity in the country.

– In Chiang Mai alone there are 5,000 prostitutes. During peak season, there are close to 25,000.


“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.” – William Wilberforce


The world tells these women they are only worth what someone will pay for them.

This is a lie. 

The truth is what God says about them:

“She is more precious than rubies; nothing you desire can compare with her.” – Proverbs 3:15

These women matter and they are meant for more. 

They are worth more.   

And the world needs to know – it’s not acceptable to buy a person, under any circumstance.  


Many of us have become friends with the women that work at the bars.  We go and spend time with them and try to show them that they are loved simply because of who they are.  We play Jenga and pool and laugh like genuine friends do.  These are beautiful girls who have so much more to offer the world than just their bodies.  The red light district and the sex trafficking industry are dark places, but hope is not lost.  Darkness cannot win where there is light and we are bringing the light of Christ every time we step outside our doors. 


“Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that.  Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.” – Martin Luther King Jr


The world is filled with all kinds of darkness, hate and corruption, and only love, the true love of Jesus Christ, can save it. 


The first week we were here, one of our incredible squad mates, Kristin, drew something in her journal and it started a fire in each of our hearts. 



A drawing turned into a logo and a logo turned into a movement.

The reality of what happens here and other places all around the world needs to be brought out of the darkness and into the light. 

And here’s how we hope to do it…



She’s Worth More – a movement

Mission: To eradicate the commercial sex industry in Chiang Mai by giving a voice to the women, men and ladyboys trapped in prostitution, and educating people about their worth and value found in Christ. 

She’s beautiful, she’s valued, she’s a daughter of God and tonight she will be purchased for sex.

She’s Worth More.

Take a look at the website to see how you can be a part of the movement… Http://



Our hearts have been overwhelmed with love and sorrow for these girls who have become a part of our families. We desire to make a difference in their lives simply by loving them with the love of Jesus Christ.  We want to shine a light on the darkest places in the world and that starts with giving these women a voice.  

No longer choose to look the other way.

Don’t allow this to become another taboo in our lives.   

Stand up and fight for those who can’t fight against the injustices in our world.

Share this blog with your community and join with us in prayer. 

Pray for the broken hearted, pray for the lost, pray for those that are trapped and help captive by sin.  Pray for hope, redemption, and restoration. 

Pray for revival in the hearts of God’s children. 


Life is a gift from our Creator and it should never be sold.


Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute.” – Proverbs 31:8


