10 days till I leave for the journey to TRAINING CAMP! 11 days till I meet my family for the next year. 
I am so beyond excited… like I may have started packing already kind of excited (which is incredibly unlike me, I pack last minute for everything).

Thank you to everyone who has contributed to my trip so far! I wouldn't have made that deadline without you and you have no idea how much of a blessing you've been. 

But the truth is I still need help. Without each and everyone of you this would never be possible – so I'd ask that you continue to prayerfully consider donating. If 115 people donated $100 my trip would be fully funded, or if 230 people donated $50 etc. It is possible to be fully funded by the time I leave and I'm praying that it will happen. I can't do it without you though and every little bit helps no matter how big or small. 

My next deadline is August 18th which is two weeks before launch. In order to launch I need to have $6500 in my account – I'm currently at $4025.09 . If you'd like to donate online you can by clicking the "support me tab" on the left hand side of this page OR you can send me cheques directly 

Aimee Labelle
19 Jones Lane
Brantford, ON
N3T 0B1