So after 3 months of beautiful ministry & much change I may not be able to stay on the race any longer.

Without the support of the people back home I may never have the chance to make it to Asia – to meet new people who will change my world and teach me many new things. I will never have the chance to pray over Asian orphans, to share Jesus’s love with the people in Asia or the Caribbean. My heart is breaking at the thought that I may never be able to do this – to continue on the journey that I’ve been called on. I know that God provides for all my needs (Phil 4:19) but I also know that without people willing to do his work & step out in faith to help me it wouldn’t be possible.

I preached a sermon the other day about how we need to have faith like the centurion (Luke 7), faith like the woman who was sick for 12 years and needed to only touch the hem of Jesus’ robe (Mark 5:25-34), faith like Peter who stepped out of the boat and walked on water because Jesus said “Come.” (insert verse reference here). We need to be like those people – to walk in faith, to step out in faith, to believe in faith, and to speak in faith believing that God is bigger then our circumstances & can overcome anything. So this is me speaking in faith, believing in faith and walking in the faith that God is GOING TO PROVIDE!

My deadline seems unattainable and by my resources alone it is – there is absolutely no way that I can get $4000 dollars in just under 3 weeks but with God all things are possible. So I am having faith that God will provide through the people I know, people I have yet to meet, and people I don’t know at all.

To all those who’ve supported me or continue to support me or feel called to support me (both finanically and through prayer) I just wanted to say THANK YOU! You have no idea how much of an impact you are making on my life & no idea how blessed I am by the generosity you’ve shown me.

If you feel called to donate to my cause there are a couple ways that you can do it.

1) Click the “Support Me” tab on the left hand side of the this blog (follow the instructions – its pretty easy)

2) Mail a cheque to

Miss. Aimee Labelle

19 Jones Lane

Brantford, Ontario, Canada

N3T 0B1

written out to Aimee Labelle