Today was our first day of ATL (Ask the Lord). The premise is that you pray and ask the Lord what He wants to you to do for the day, who He wants you to talk to, and where He needs you to be.
So my team did just that. We prayed and then went out into our assigned area of Atlanta to go see what it was/ who God wanted us to encounter today. For a while we walked, talked and just tried to figure out what exactly this ministry is suppose to look like. 
At one point on our walk Sarette found a picture of a family on the side of a road. Just a small wallet sized photo of a family none of us have ever seen. After walking a couple more blocks we decided that we would just pray over the photo and for the family – this is when it happened. We were standing on the sidewalk praying, in front of this beautiful little home when Eva pulled into her driveway. 
We chatted briefly with her outside her home just asking her about how her day was and she decided to invite us in. She gave us a tour of her home and we got a chance to get to know more about her. Eva is currently going through chemo for breast cancer, but you would never know it. She was so joyful, so giving and loving to 6 random strangers. We asked if we could pray for her, she said yes, and Christa prayed. Upon ending Eva took control, she said she wanted to pray for us – she prayed a powerful prayer over our trip and ministry. After she finished we all hugged her and then went on our way. We went into this situation hoping to bless this woman – hoping to be a shining light to her and we left having been blessed by this woman with such a beautiful heart. 
Eva may never know that her words, and kindess have touched my heart in such a beautiful way. She is a shining beacon of hope, a ray of sunshine and ultimately a great example of showing people Christ's love. As I get ready to leave launch and go to the nations I pray that the passion and love that have been ignited in my heart will continue to grow and will pour out on those around me the way Eva's passion for life did today. 

Please pray for my squad (X!!) and for my team (B.B.H) as we prepare to get leave for South Africa tomorrow! Pray for safety and for opportunities to bless the people we come in contact with. 


I also want to say THANK YOU! to all the people who have been partnering with me in my ministry both financially and prayerfully. You have no idea how blessed I feel to have such wonderful people behind me. I'm currently at $7330 dollars which means I am on my way to my next deadline which is $11000 December 1st. 
If you are interested in donating towards my trip please let me know via email [email protected]. You can donate online here on my blog by clicking on the "Support Me" tab on the left hand side of the page – or by sending a cheque to:
19 Jones Lane 
Brantford, Ontario

Thank you again for your continued support!