World Race Team 09/01/10 – 07/31/11
So, you found me!  Maybe you are reading this because someone made you, you were asked to, or you’re just interested in what God is gonna do with me – through me –  over the next year and a half… whatever the reason – I’m glad you stopped by!
Wonderin’ what all the fuss is about?  It’s about God.  It’s about God doing awesome things in alot of people’s lives.  It is about God getting His name out there – to the world – and He’s using us to do it!  Sounds pretty amazing, doesn’t it? It is!
This race is an 11 month mission trip that will span four continents, land in 11 countries, touch countless lives, and ultimately change me completely.  The world race is an opportunity to GO… go and make disciples of all nations. 
… but I am focusing all my energies on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking to what lies ahead, I strain to reach the end of the race and receive the prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us up to heaven.
(Phil 4:13-14 NLT)

I hope you will join me, run along side me and help me finish this race… –  Here’s how:
1. PRAY – I could use some massive prayers!
2. LOOK – knowing that there are some of you out there that are interested in what I’m doing is a great encouragement! And this is the place to do that. As you can see to the left of this screen there are some very self explanatory tabs for you to keep in touch with what God is doing, get inside my head, and leave your own thoughts. Don’t forget about me!
3. FUND – if your interested in giving and wondering how all this works…. let me know…  
4. PRAY I have heard it said that the prayer warriors are the invisible missionaries. I can’t do this without you!
5. PRAY – I wasn’t kidding!