Today I spent the morning going out into the streets and just loving who ever God put in my path… better known as door to door evangelism. We talked to a few people out side of a shop, and prayed for them, and noticed we were drawing in a bit of a crowd. Muzungu’s (white people) always cause people to stare! Then we went into a few houses and answered some bible questions and prayed over the residents. The last house we went into found me leaving in tears.
All I could do was imagine a big, huge, mighty, star breathing God. I was awe struck at the thought that, as a Father, He was dancing over a young girl that was accepting Jesus into her heart. I could hear heaven rejoicing over this young girl, on her knees, in a small mud hut, in the middle of Rwanda… I was completely overwhelmed!

I have a new sister in Christ. I don’t know her name, but I get to spend eternity with her! Today she is bound for heaven. Yesterday she was destined for hell.
Today it hit me… how real this war is… how important our commission is as Christians – to seek and save the lost (Matt. 28:19, Luke 19:10). Today I witnessed the most amazing, breathtaking, life changing, joyful, awesome, miracle anyone could ever have the privilege to see – someone receiving the salvation of Jesus Christ!
We are given all the authority and power Jesus has. We are told to heal the sick, raise the dead, cast out demons, preach the Gospel, and that signs and wonders would follow us. We are told to freely give as we have freely received (Matt. 10:1-7, Mark 16:15-18).
I think it is just awesome to witness someone giving their life to Christ! I think it is the most amazing miracle! I mean we, as mere people, have been given the ability to live out the Gospel… to allow Jesus to work through us… to do His works (John 14:12). But we, as humans, as Christians, may be able to heal an illness or cast out a demon… but only Jesus can save – He is the only one with the power of salvation!
The disciples were astounded. “Then who in the world can be saved?� they asked. Jesus looked at them intently and said, “Humanly speaking, it is impossible. But with God everything is possible.
Matthew 19:25-26
I pray that we can be a people that would get just as excited at seeing a young women, humbly get on her knees, and accept Jesus as her Lord and Savior (Luke 15:7,10), as we do about the blind seeing, or the lame walking, etc…