Maybe this is a prayer request… maybe this is a revelation… maybe I’m just rambling… not real sure.  But I am very sure of three things – 1. I do not love well.  2. I am in need of so much undeserved grace, every second.  3. I really want my Father’s heart.
I have come to the very ugly, very sad, conclusion that I do not know how to love others…  I only want to love who I want, and love them when I want, and love them how I want…  How horrible is that!!! Oh, praise the Lord for not giving up on me!  I want to love the way Jesus loves – unconditionally – loving everyone, all the time, just the way they need to be loved.  In finding this pure and holy and Jesus Love – then I can become a true servant of Christ.  I long for this to happen – I want it to come to pass!  I want God to put into me a NEW HEART… I want Christ’s heart!  I want God to teach me to love – to really and sincerely love!
I felt I should share this so that everyone that is keeping tabs on me can pray and hold me accountable to the Truth.  Being a Christian isn’t supposed to be easy, and following Jesus where ever He leads seems so impossible sometimes… but I am in Christ and Christ is in me… Oh, how He loves us…